View Full Version : lil help with leopard gecko...

07-29-09, 01:26 AM
ok guys so now i have a leopard gecko. im using like lil chips things, ( i have pics on a nother post... titled " look what i got " ) . i was thinkingabout getting some of that green reptile carpet stuff instead bc im scared he will choke on it. is that a good idea? also whats a good way to keep the humidity up for them, and how can i tell when they are going to shed? thanks!

oh yea i stated this thread bc its a different topic, my other thread was just to show everyone, this one will be what i use to get advice, thanks!

07-29-09, 08:32 AM
You should remove the chips ASAP. He could very easily choke at any time. Go with paper towel, it will make your life so much easier!
Humidity isn't a big thing for leos just mist them so they can drink. Put in a humid hide for sure though to help with shedding.

07-29-09, 11:42 AM
alrighty, paper towl looks sooo cheap though.. lol but i will remoe, what about the reptile carpet?

07-29-09, 12:20 PM
I've never used it

07-29-09, 02:41 PM
got rid of the chips, and got some grey reptile carpet... she seems to like it, and i also got a water dispenser to keep fresh water... i am also trying to get it to eat carrots and tomatoes, but she dont seem to want them, hasnt ate for almost 4 days, getting worried.

07-30-09, 02:58 PM
Carrots and tomatoes?
...Have you tried feeding her worms or crickets? Leos are insectivores. I honestly have never once heard of people feeding leos veggies. Not to say they CAN'T eat them, just doesn't seem likely to me..
Can you post a picture of your setup?

07-30-09, 11:12 PM
she didnt take the carrots or tomatoes very well, my friend has a leopard gecko and she said that hers at tomatoes, carrots, and lettus, along with crickets worms ect.. yea ill get a pic of my set up for you guys to look at...

i had crickets in the cage when i tried to feed her, ( come jumped in the tank ) and she wasnt interested... do i just put the worms in her feeding bown and let her eat as pleased?

07-30-09, 11:28 PM

here is just a quick pic of her cages set up... carrots are in the bowl, i just cleaned it out though, they are NOT in there now lol

07-31-09, 09:45 AM
Yah I've never heard of that. You setup looks pretty good, maybe throw another hide in there.
You can just put the worms in the bowl and if it's deep enough or has a lip they won't be able to get out. They usually don't last long in the bowl, LOL. A lot of people I know feed a lot of mealworms; the white, freshly shed ones are best as mealworms have been known to cause impaction. Strange she wasn't interested in cricktes, try some worms and see how that goes.

08-02-09, 06:49 PM
i will do that tomorrow and see how she does, this may sound horrible for me, but i just realized over the weekend she has shed so maybe thats why she didnt want to eat. I will also put a lil hid/heat box in the cage too.