View Full Version : Boa or Python

07-25-09, 09:43 AM
I am waiting to get my first snake and have been looking around this site for info. I am in the Southern Ontario area so if anyone has a recommendation of where to get a great snake please let me know. I have been looking at a local shop and I am trying to decide what I want to get. Right now it's between a Ball Python and a Kenyan Sand Boa. They are both really great snakes. The last time I went I was really into the Boa. He really seemed to like my scent and was super cute.

07-27-09, 07:06 AM
I have a Boa and he's great. I'm also new to snakes and from what I have heard, both Ball Pythons and Boa's have good temperments for first time snake owners. Of course the Boa would get bigger than the BP, so that may be something to keep in mind. You'd have to build a pretty large enclosure for a Boa within a few years, do you have space for that? And resources?

Just some things to think about. Learning about the snakes you are interested in before buying is the best way to do it, so good for you. Try looking up both types of snakes on wikipedia. I found very good information on all aspects of Boa's on there, size, housing requirements, feeding, etc. Ball Pythons are common enough they should have good info on there too.

I'm sure some of the more experienced herpers on this site will pop on with more advice. Good luck!


07-27-09, 07:40 AM
Definitely ball python. Sand boas are mostly inactive and they will burrow all day. Also they are much more likely to be aggressive than a ball python is. I have a roughscale sand boa and he's a ****. If you pick him up close to his tail end, it's fine but if you touch him closer to his head than halfway up his body he will strike you. IMO, you'd be much better off with the ball python, or with a Colombian boa like sassamagoo has in her avatar. They get large (8-10 feet) but are not particularly heavy-bodied and are known for being docile like ball pythons.

07-27-09, 07:47 AM
Well, I feel like you should get the snake that makes you feel the happiest. Sounds to me like the Boa interests you most.

From personal experience I have had a Carpet python and now a Ball python, both are fun snakes. Just make sure, like with any animal, you do the proper research involved and have all the equipment needed before purchasing the animal.

Happy Herping


07-27-09, 07:58 AM
Ah well, If the Sand Boa's tend to bite, maybe not that one then LOL.


07-27-09, 08:32 AM
Get what YOU really want! Ball pythons are pretty simple to care for, as are boas. Ball pythons are very gentle. I have never cared for sand boas so I can't give you much help there. I am also from southern Ontario so if you need any help finding anything, shoot me a PM :D I have access to wholesalers.

07-27-09, 08:34 AM
I like both choices. I have two Kenyan Sand Boas and three Ball Pythons. Sand Boas do tend to hide alot but stay small. Never have been bit by mine so can not give any advice on that other than it is still a snake and any can bite at any given time but most do not if cared for well. Now Ball Pythons make great starter snakes but they can go off feed check some of the other threads can be pretty frustrating. Either way you go you will be happy! If you can not make a choice get them both!

07-27-09, 02:31 PM
Get them both!

07-27-09, 08:34 PM
I got the Ball Python. The Kenyan Sand Boa is a really great snake and I felt like she really liked me. However, we decided we like the BP best. Although this is our first snake, I know it won't be our last. We have yet to name her and were super excited to have her with us. She is so adorable and shy right now. We just need to try and keep our hands off her until she's comfortable and feeding.