View Full Version : bought python it was in cedar or pine bedding and has brown spots on bottom

07-21-09, 08:00 PM
the brown spots on bottom are goin away as im taking care of it i read somewhere to put polysporin on them 2 times a day could someone give me adive please i would greatly appreciate it

07-22-09, 07:40 AM
I know the cedar bedding releases aromatic oils that are poisonous to the snake. I would get it to a good herp vet. Keep up with the polysporin ointment and obviously keep it away from irritating bedding. I'm honestly not sure what else you could try, but again, I'd take it to a vet. Just make sure the spots don't turn into open wounds and get infected.

07-22-09, 12:30 PM
thank u very much and i got some mopani wood from the pet store in the rep section is it ok to put in the cage for the snake?

07-22-09, 10:50 PM
hey try carefresh it is like a paper of some sort balled in little balls it is super absorbant comesin different colors no smell and easy to clean. i use it on all my snakes

07-23-09, 12:52 PM
I prefer to stay away from wood beddings for pythons. I find that balls especially can scratch up their scutes on rept-bark type beddings, and aspen does not allow the humidity they need. Until he is healed, I would honestly just put him on a tank liner or butcher paper. Carefresh would also be ok, but it might stick to his sores if you put lotion on them.

07-23-09, 01:15 PM
the wood i was talkin about its more like drift wood type deal

07-23-09, 04:42 PM
Still, I wouldnt put it in the tank until he's healed. give him a soft, smooth bedding for now.

07-23-09, 11:03 PM
i would keep it on paper towel or newspaper until its belly get cleared up. after that cypress mulch or aspen shavings are great for balls.

07-24-09, 03:33 PM
As stated nice clean papertowels until it is all cleared up.
Sounds like scale rot to me. Usually caused by too damp or more often too dirty of conditions. cedar is a HUGE NO NO with reptiles of course.
Pine is OK but Aspen is the best IMHO
I'd stay away from the coco fiber crap etc. Mark

07-24-09, 11:30 PM
letting you kow guys snake has no more spots than normal now all betterand i used polysporin and bathed it twice a day each and made sure it had comfortable living conditions

07-25-09, 10:42 AM
Good. I'm glad it worked out for you. I would still keep it on paper for another week or so to make sure it's all cleared up.