View Full Version : new person

07-18-09, 11:32 PM
hi :)
I am Lynda of ontario Canada. I just retired a traveling pet show business.but have many of the exotics and snakes as my pets. I hope to share and learn information on the snakes I am keeping. Snakes include one 3yr old reticulated python 12 feet, 2 taiwan beauty breading pairs with a clutch now, young pr of ball pythons and one little sand boa. I raise my own feed and all snakes eat no problems.
that's my new member first note :) thanks for reading

07-19-09, 12:49 AM
Hey Lynda and welcome to the forum! everything I have is listed below :) I used to have a taiwanese beauty snake but a friend lost it....I love those snakes, they are very beautiful. I'm sure you will find everything you need to know here!

07-19-09, 09:14 PM
Welcome to the forum. Too many to list. How are the Taiwan Beauties? Aggressive? Heard two sides so far. I want one either way though.

07-20-09, 07:47 AM
Hello Lynda, nice collection you've got there! I too have too many snakes to list..lol

07-20-09, 07:52 PM
welcome im pretty new here but already learned lots of stuff im sure if u have a question this site has the answers. each one teach one.

07-21-09, 09:18 AM
Welcome to the forum. Too many to list. How are the Taiwan Beauties? Aggressive? Heard two sides so far. I want one either way though.

My Taiwan Female is nice. You can pick her up. She is clocking 7 ft. She put out 12ish eggs, they are still white in the incubator, so we'll see what happens at hatch date.
The male is named Taz. He is mooody. He thinks he is a Retic Python. I just let him know who is boss.