View Full Version : need to find a morph close to brooklyn help

07-15-09, 08:25 PM
i live in brooklyn but the only snakes u can find is kings and corns.i want a ball morph or albino boa they look really cool.i got my ball from long island on sunrise.do any one know where or how i can get one of these snakes without traveling to far.

07-16-09, 07:59 AM
I know there is a reptile show that is held in NY a few times a year. Google New York reptile shows.

07-18-09, 09:12 AM
thanks you rule

07-22-09, 12:03 PM
No problem. Did you find the website?

07-22-09, 07:05 PM
yeah but i forgot the date but i wrote it down thanks

07-23-09, 12:56 PM
No problem- hope you find something good! shows are always awesome. Down here in PA we have the Hamburg show and that place is incredible- vendors packed in a huge field house and thousands of people. It's quite an experience, and I hear the NY one is even bigger.

08-20-09, 12:56 PM
I went to the NY show in July (next one is in Sept...the 12th, I think), it was really amazing! It was the first rep show I'd ever gone to, though, so I don't have any kind of comparison. There were albino boas everywhere.

08-21-09, 07:41 AM
Yeah albino boas are getting quite common; I imagine the price will drop soon on them. I personally love all the ball morphs, especially spiders and bees. I have a yellow belly male and need to get a girlfriend for him so I can make ivories soon!

08-22-09, 11:39 AM
thats wat i want so badly an albino boa or an piebald ball

08-24-09, 09:04 AM
Piebald's are gooorrrgeous. You could always get a pair het pieds and cross your fingers for some Piebalds but I also don't suggest jumping into breeding before you know your snakes. Pieds are still very expensive unfortunatley. They're on my list but I don't expect to get any for a few years. There are still many other super cool morphs out there though!! And albino boas are very pretty too...I'll be getting one or two in the near future:) Probably before the pieds, they are a bit less pricey.:P

08-24-09, 10:05 AM
Oh yeah, I LOVE pieball ball pythons- want one sooo badly. I recently got a yellowbelly male, and am looking to get him a gf so I can make ivories, another of my favorite ball morphs. But my fiance has threatened to evict me if I buy any more snakes..lol. Of course, less than a week after he said that, he brought home a snake someone dropped off at the local pet store..can we say "hypocrite"...lol.

08-24-09, 04:14 PM
I want to get a pair of mojaves or a mojo and a lesser and shoot for BELs! ;)
Mojaves are one of my favourties, so subtle but beautiful.
Mykeee hatched some killer BELs this year...I waaaaant!

08-24-09, 07:52 PM
BEL? I am aware of bees, killer bees, and mojaves, but what's a BEL?

08-24-09, 08:53 PM
Blue Eyed Leusistic they are the 'super' form of Mojaves, Lessers, and I feel like I'm forgetting another.. White snake with blue eyes. Very pretty. Google them!

08-25-09, 07:41 AM
Oh ok. I know what blue-eyed leucys are, just never heard of them referred to as BEL. I soooo totally want one. I saw one at the last Hamburg show- pure white with these ice blue eyes- incredibly gorgeous snake!