View Full Version : problems with res

06-28-09, 04:28 PM
hey i adopted a res, it 3 years old, and its a male. i have several turtles but iv never had problem before so i dont no what to do for this guy. his shell if deformed, it has wierd ripples in it, i was told he hasnt shed in over a year, and the backhalf of his shell seem to be growing upward, im doin my best, anyone no what i can do?

06-30-09, 07:44 AM
First, I am NO turtle expert. Don't own any, I've taken care of RES before but not enough to actually (comfortably) say I've worked with them.
That aside, I do know that shell rippling and pyramiding is the cause of very poor nutrition, not enough calcium and limited or zero access to UV lighting or natural sun. Pyramiding can be related to MBD. It's irreversible, but you can still take great care of your RES and he can live a happy life. My understanding is that is is much more common in tortoises.
Maybe you could describe your feeding/setup and someone can give you more info :)
edit - I just read your other post, doesn't sound good...post a pic

06-30-09, 02:02 PM
he could have also been kept in a tank that was to small for him and thats why his shell is pyramiding like that. do you know what size tank he was previously housed in? how big is he now at 3 years old? what size tank are you keeping him in and is he alone? you may be able to slowly reverse the pyramiding if he is kept in proper conditions.

07-01-09, 05:17 PM
dont no what tank size he was in, but now hes in a 50 gallon alone, with a uv light i change every six months, his shell is about 3.5 inches, witch is really small for his age i think, you have any sugestions on what to feed him to help?

07-02-09, 10:13 PM
check this out: Redearslider.com :: All about Red Ear Sliders and the Turtle Talk forum (http://redearslider.com/)

07-03-09, 08:20 AM
That definitely is not normal for an RES, as you know, and Jess is correct that it's the result of poor nutrition. My sons & I have kept RES in the past for years. They need a varied diet and good conditions with fresh water, preferably with some movement. I hope the link Julian gave you provides some helpful info.