View Full Version : :( damnit... need to sell sand boa :(

06-23-09, 09:52 PM
well like the title says... need to sell my sand boa:(. my apt complex some how found out i had 2 snake and they told me i need to get rid of both, BUT since i was such a good resident they let me keep one as long as i can promise it wont escape and bla..blah...blah...

shes around a yr old, and very very well tempered, exept when i go to pick her up after eating she is a lil jumpy. exept that shes a perfect snake. dont want to sell but i have to:( i got a week to sell and im hoping she can go to a good home from someone on here. please let me know if any one is interested!

i know there is a classified section, but this cant wait to sell, its a must sell now...

cage and all for $50. ( using that to by a 20 gal tank for my bp )

i wont ship, but ill meet

let me know

06-24-09, 08:52 AM
Where are you located?

06-24-09, 12:57 PM
Findlay Ohio...

06-24-09, 01:27 PM
Ah, can't help you then. I'm in the Philly, PA area. I'm sure you'll find someone to take her.

06-24-09, 01:55 PM
i hope so... if not im just going to hide her when they come to check... they are so dumb, they are giving me a week, then comming to check to see if shes gone... then they will let the issue go.

so i dont want to get in trouble for having her, but i dont want to let her go... thanks any way for your interest!

06-24-09, 02:18 PM
Hmm..do you have any friends who like snakes? If so, you could take her to a friend's house for a week or two until they've done their checks and things calm down, and then smuggle her back in late at night. I sneaked two ferrets into one of my old apartments...lol.

06-24-09, 02:48 PM
lol i might have to do that... i just dont want to run the risk of them finding her later down the road...

06-24-09, 03:21 PM
Ya I would help out im in cincy ohio and would love another snake but I cant get another one yet until me and my gf move out together here in a couple more months.

06-25-09, 12:59 AM
:( thanks any way kmef07!

i just found out today that they are going to be very strict about this:( ill keep everyone updated, let me know if you interested

07-02-09, 07:24 PM
hey if it isn't too late check out dkreptilesales.com it is a friend of mine who is a breeder and he will probably buy it off you.

07-02-09, 08:45 PM
I'm so sorry to hear that you need to rid a snake.

My mother is in Xenia/Dayton. If you're in a bind, let me know and she might take your boa. She's a crazy snake lady (like me).

Contact me off list: (Please contact using PM)

07-03-09, 11:28 AM
well guys, after weeks of pleading and pleading, they agreed to let me keep both of them!!!!

i need to pay $10 extra a month for rent ( pet policy )
both cages need locks/clips on to ensure no escapes ( already have )
they can come check on them to see how big they are... i told them that neither will get over 6 foot, so thats what they will look at lol

but i get to keep them both!:)

thanks to everyone who offered to help its good to know there good herp ppl here to count on when someone is in need :)

i thank you all!

07-04-09, 09:29 AM
Hurray!! Getting rid of pets really friggin sucks, thats super awesome you get to keep 'em both!

07-04-09, 01:17 PM
Glad you got to keep both your babies, thats great! Gratz!

07-04-09, 07:52 PM
Yay!!! I'm so happy for you- you got to keep both your snakeys!

07-09-09, 02:18 PM
me too, thanks guys!

07-09-09, 04:27 PM
woohaa!!!!! another one for herpers in the books