View Full Version : Couple Motley Girls dropped

06-20-09, 03:43 PM
Couple more clutches of Corns eggs.
Light Anery Motley laid 18/18 all fertile & Snow Motely laid 8/12 fertile eggs.
Snows eggs on on the small size even for her, shes not that big of a girl & never will be.
I find most all of my stripe/motleys are smaller Corns.
The Lt Anery one here is a little on the plump side actually. she hit a certain length & then just started fattening up, if you look you can see it in her tail area.
Anyways some pics of todays "take-a-ways" LOL Mark





06-21-09, 09:30 AM
WOOHOO! Mark's going even more snakee! 18/18 good--fantastic! I especially like the snow, and those 8 all look great. What did you breed them with?

06-21-09, 12:30 PM
Snow was bred to a striped Anery male to try & see if hes het Amel or not.
Lt Anery female was bred to a Striped Pastel Ghost but I saw zero breeding action with him, he was always in the seperate hide & is a somewhat nervous snake as well as being young.
I backed him up with the Motley Butter male as a result of him potentially not having done anything. Somebody did something obviously LOL THX Mark

06-22-09, 02:29 AM
lol somebody did something indeed congrats on the clutchs.