View Full Version : Bearded Pygmy Chameleon is sick!!!!!!

06-18-09, 02:59 PM
My female Pygmy chameleon just laid a clutch of 3 and now is acting very strange.

She seems to be slouched on anything she is standing on. I picked her up and she turns a light yellow as well as opening her mouth to at least show me she doesn't like it. after wards I set her down onto some frog moss and she just looks generally sick. I'm not sure what the sickness is, but any help will be greatly appreciated!

Here are some pictures of her.

here is where I set her

Here you can see that she is not dependent on her front legs for her nature posture/stance.

06-19-09, 06:07 AM
If she just laid a clutch of eggs, perhaps she has one still stuck in, aka egg-bound? Has she been eating?

06-19-09, 07:05 AM
Generally pygmys lay clutches of 2-4 eggs, (to my knowledge) so she could be withholding an egg, she could not. What is your setup like?