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06-10-09, 05:35 AM

I bought two corn snakes for my kids a couple of years ago. They are healthy and happy. When I went to feed them last night, I am the one who now takes care if them, I discovered that they were expecting. I found at least three eggs under them. Earlier research indicated that breeding them was an art and was highly unlikely without a considerable effort. My instinct is to leave them alone and let them figure it out. Other than my ability to feed them, clean their tank, and play with them, I know nothing about corn snakes. Any advice, tank temperature, feeding of the parents, etc, would be greatly appreciated. :confused:


06-17-09, 10:13 AM
I recommend picking up the cornsnake book by Kathy Love. It'll have the required information in there. I'm also sure someone else might pop in here and give some advice.

Otherwise, the only advice I can give is that with cornsnakes they breed pretty easily from what I've heard. It isn't as much of an art as you may think or as much effort. Since your snakes proved it. Best bet for the issue not to arise again keep them seperately.