View Full Version : Hello! I am new with two Mop Head Iquanas!

06-02-09, 11:22 AM
Hi everyone! I have two cuties and I am looking for more information on them. Anyone?

06-03-09, 09:49 AM
Ok not to be a complete *** but you don't really need to post 3 threads about the same thing. Welcome by the way. Im guessing you posted this many times because of the delay in gettin your account approved. anyways dude you alrealy committed a crime in the herp world. Dont get a pet without knowing about it first. That is unfair to the animals. They are not impulse buys. I don't have any iguanas but here are a few websites i found for care by simply searching google.
The Iguana Den - Iguana Care, Keeping, & Community - Main Menu (http://www.iguanaden.org/main.htm)
Green Iguana Society (http://www.greenigsociety.org/)
Melissa Kaplan's Green Iguana Care Collection (http://www.anapsid.org/iguana/index.html)

These are mostly focused towards the green iguana but should be helpful for the mop heads too.

06-03-09, 12:42 PM
Isn't google amazing? ;)

Good job, Kyle!

06-08-09, 08:29 AM

Hi guys. Go here.