05-15-09, 08:59 AM
I am new to this but I have this water dragon (google) who is a year old and kept in a 120 gal tank. It has a heat lamp at one end that is kept at about 90 degrees and a uva lamp. I have sperated it in a ten gal tank inside the big one because I have a 4 yr old water dragon (Gecky) also. The small one just started acting listless about 3 days ago. It looks to be in good health but just sits in one spot with its eyes closed. He will open them occasionally and they look clear and bright when opened. It has not pooped in this amount of time and that is what has me worried. It is not eating very well either. It looks and breathes well. It will get squirmy when picked up and it will open its eyes but otherwise it just sits there. Their diets are crickets/meal worms/jars of baby food vegetables which they like. I just put it in dish and they lick it up. I asked an expert at a pet shop and they advise me to put plain yougurt on the tip of his snout every 4 hours and bathe it in 1/2 water and 1/2 pedilyte for 5 min twice a day. This I have been doing. How long should I continue? Should I take it to a vet? What can they do? An X-ray? I have found an exotic vet close to my home but do not want to spend a lot of money on a lizzard. Can anyone suggest anything else I have not tried? Thanks everyone for any advice!!