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05-14-09, 12:26 PM
My male Boa has just had a shed but he has not lost the skin on his nose, can anyone tell me how to deal with this.

05-14-09, 01:05 PM
Soak him in 85 degree water (it will feel slightly cool to your touch) for 10 minutes or so. That will loosen the skin and make it easier for him to get it off. Also, you can try GENTLY rubbing, NOT pulling, at the retained skin to see if that helps it come off. A nice product called Shed-Aide made by Zoo-med is also available. You can spray a bit right on the snake, not too much.

05-15-09, 12:56 AM
Many thanks I will try soaking him first, I dont know when I will be able to do it as he is trying his best to mate my female, he has been at it all night, and women think men are persistent lol.

05-15-09, 06:08 AM
Hahah- yeah my fiance has a pair of olive house snakes that go at it like rabbits. They were gettin' busy on the way home from the show where I picked them up. Unfortunately,the female has yet to show signs of being gravid.

05-15-09, 07:29 AM
As the stuck shed is on his nose, it might be more effective to soak a pillowcase or burlap bag in water and then put the snake in it for a few hours. Burlap is especially good if you can find it, because it's rough and the snake can rub against it.

Be sure to use a thermometer to measure the temp of the water--we had quite a discussion about this on another thread, and the reality is that the human hand is just not a very good thermometer.

05-15-09, 08:43 AM
Definitely measure the temp- anything less than 98.6 degrees will feel cool to a hand. And what with variations among people's normal body temps, it is even harder. A person who runs normally at 96 will think 98 degree water is hot, while a person who runs at 98 will think it is cool.