View Full Version : Carter's Critters

05-04-09, 02:42 PM
Hi all,

My fiance and I are trying to start up a breeding business, so we made a website of our current snakes and space for putting up available babies as they are born.

Carter's Critters - Home (http://www.carterscritters.weebly.com)

05-04-09, 05:14 PM
It'll be fun watching for upcoming news! ;)

05-05-09, 05:58 AM
Thanks Chu!

05-05-09, 10:15 AM
ya keep us posted. you are actually kinda close to cincinnati ohio so maybe when you get some stuff up and running i'll have to make a couple purchases.

05-05-09, 10:22 AM
oh by the way i used your idea on your website with the PVC and the blowtorch and it worked really well i made a little jungle gym for my brb and it loves it. I had to close off the ends because my snake wanted to crawl inside. but it will be a great addition to my new cage i've finally started building. it is huge.

05-05-09, 10:50 AM
Yeah, they do love the scorched PVC. I have found that the little sneaky buggers will get into ANYTHING. My male white-lipped "disappeared" last night and after I spent an hour tearing apart the room and the neighboring rooms, I found him inside his fake rock hide. He must have burrowed under the repti-bark and gotten under the arm of the hide and gotten inside. I had to break it all apart to get him out. A*shat snake...lol

05-10-09, 08:02 PM
Best idea for hides is have one that you either has no bottom or a removable lid. This way you can always get to the snake.

05-11-09, 11:41 AM
Yeah now they have a little cardboard box with the flaps removed and a hole cut in one side- they keep flipping it upside down though and curling up together inside it where they are visible. They are bizarre little snakeys, but the female has stopped trying to kill me when I go to pick her up though, so that is nice. The male is also getting even more docile about being brought out.

06-22-09, 08:45 PM
Cool site willow, nice to see all the pics of your babies!

06-23-09, 01:42 AM
Nice site, But...hmmm that title.........http://i165.photobucket.com/albums/u56/tuteuk/icons/anibored.gif
I got a idea......Please feel free to use it..http://i165.photobucket.com/albums/u56/tuteuk/572e0882.gif


06-23-09, 04:44 AM
awsum site willlow..luvin all ur snakes! x

06-23-09, 07:57 AM
Oh wow, Tuteuk, I really like what you did with the title! I will have to show that to my fiance, since we're in it together. Thanks :)

06-23-09, 12:34 PM
Oh wow, Tuteuk, I really like what you did with the title! I will have to show that to my fiance, since we're in it together. Thanks :)

I dabble in Photoshop and others.....I hope he likes it....:)

12-17-09, 09:56 PM
amazing collection kudos to you two! :)

12-20-09, 08:57 PM
You've got cool looking pets there! I really like Arnold, do you have any closeup pictures of him?

12-21-09, 09:18 AM
I can get some. I really need to take better pictures of a lot of them, and get the new ones up there. Arnold is a great little snake. He's a normal phase Western hognose. He's such a little turd- he has what I call "hissy fits" where, after he's eaten or is in shed, he'll just start hissing really loudly and insistently for hours....
I can reach right in and pick him up and he won't bite, and as soon as I touch him he stops hissing. It's just hilarious because he's like a foot long and thinks he's so bada$$.
I love hognoses- definitely recommend one!

12-30-09, 07:23 AM
Nice site! Best of luck to you . :) You have some really nice looking snakes. Can't wait to see some babies.

12-30-09, 09:57 AM
Nice site! Best wishes and good luck.

12-30-09, 11:45 AM
I just got around to checking out your site and wanted to say that i was thoroughly entertained by your humoristic commentaries of your collection. I think that approach should attribute to better business practices and customer relations throughout. It lets people know your easy going. Congrats on the start of your own business. Maybe one day we can do business of our own as i'm looking into Carpets for a new addition once i move one of my Retics into some new digs. On a side note being that your a local, if you two ever want to come up and spend time with adult Retic since you cannot have one on your own we can arrange that!

12-31-09, 11:40 AM
Squisher, that would be awesome! I'd love to actually spend some time with a full-size 'tic. You are also more than welcome to come visit us and see my full collection any time. Only about half of the snakes are actually up on the website.

12-31-09, 11:58 AM
That would be awesome as well as i've only read about half of what's out there. I make no claim that i know everything there is to know as it's been an ongoing educational process for me. You really only learn from experience so that's awesome of you to offer that. My big tic is calm enough to let people interact with him so i think you two would enjoy that. I posted a video link on the first page of this thread where you can get an idea on his disposition.

01-01-10, 11:02 AM
I know. I make no claims to be an expert either. The snakes keep me humble- every time I think I'm getting the hang of everything, one throws me a curveball, like an escaped hatchling or a URI erupting in a snake that never gave me problems before. It is an ongoing learning process, and you can never rest on your laurels. I've learned a lot from talking to others, finding out what works for my snakes, and of course making mistakes and seeing what doesn't work. I will have to watch your video. I love the giant pythons, and really hope to one day be able to get an albino burm, which I think are absoutely beautiful.

01-24-10, 06:28 PM
i really like your web site willow and wish you and your future husband all the best with your new buisness.
cheers shaun

01-24-10, 07:02 PM
So would recommend you to anyone! Your so good with snakes! Cant wait to see what comes.

01-24-10, 08:57 PM
Thanks guys! *blushes*
I don't claim to know everything, or even most of everything, but I do my best with my snakes and hope that when I start breeding I can make buying snakes a pleasant experience for my customers. I think my Stimson's pythons might be gravid- I bought them in November and they were breeding before I got them, and continued to do so a few times with me. Just went off feed two weeks ago, so I'm keeping my fingers crossed.

01-25-10, 09:49 AM
Good luck Kim! i'm sure we'll see some pictures up if it all works out :D

01-25-10, 10:47 AM
Oh definitely. Everyone is being fed tonight again, so we'll see. Homer can eat all he wants, but if Marge goes off feed reliably, with how plump she is, it's likely she's gravid. I hope, I hope, I hope. I really want to see some baby snakes being born- they will be so cute and it would be amazing to watch them hatch. :)