View Full Version : ball pythons 1st shed!

04-25-09, 08:38 AM
okay so i know my BP eleanore is about to shed, i knwo this bc her eyes are are a milky blueish color... is there anything I can do to help with a good shed? mist then tank i know, but should i lay towl down over the screen top to help keep the moisture in the cage?

04-25-09, 10:14 AM
Yes. You want the moisture to be pretty close to 100% for now. And she won't shed immediately--BPs go blue, then clear up, then shed. It will be a few days . . . So get your humidity up and keep it until until she actually sheds.

Also, though some BPs will eat during the clear part of a shed, some won't. Their strikes are usually off because the outer & inner layers of skin have separated (that's what the milk fluid does) and it messes with their eye-strike coordination. And she'll be cranky/nervous.

I've learned it's best just to leave them alone, don't handle, don't try to feed, and keep the humidity up until the actual shed. Then feed--they'll be very hungry! ;)

04-25-09, 10:33 AM
I keep boas and I keep the humidity very high when they are shedding, plus I would not feed your BP till its has shed as the snake needs all its energy to shed, it wont hurt to go a few more days without food. I hope all goes well, Ady

04-25-09, 02:01 PM
to help keep the humidity up during a shed i've discovered that moving my BP's tank to the bathroom makes a dramatic difference.. living in new mexico.. it gets really dry.. :P
if the room you're BP is kept in is not too large just an average humidifier makes a big difference, at least in my experience. :)

04-25-09, 03:53 PM
You could also get a sheet of plastic and cover the top with it . . . I know in my case, moving the BP's enclosure to the bathroom is NOT an option--not enough room! ;)

04-25-09, 08:22 PM
thanks guys!! right now i have 2 towels laying layong over the screen to help keep the heat in.. and i sprayed it earlier today, but i was away for work all day. should i mist 1 time aday or a couple like 2 or 3...

04-25-09, 11:57 PM
Get a hygrometer so you can tell what the humidity is, then you'll know how often you need to mist. Most likely you'll need to mist at least a couple of times a day, but I'm just guessing, as your humidity is dependent on several factors--the ambient humidity in your area where you live, the type of enclosure you're using, the substrate, and the size and/or number of water bowls are some of the primary factors.

Another option you have is to get some sphagnum moss, soak a couple of hands-full in warm water, then squeeze it out so that it's just damp. Put that in one of the hides so the BP can curl up in it.

04-26-09, 08:21 AM
Get a hygrometer so you can tell what the humidity is, then you'll know how often you need to mist. Most likely you'll need to mist at least a couple of times a day, but I'm just guessing, as your humidity is dependent on several factors--the ambient humidity in your area where you live, the type of enclosure you're using, the substrate, and the size and/or number of water bowls are some of the primary factors.

Another option you have is to get some sphagnum moss, soak a couple of hands-full in warm water, then squeeze it out so that it's just damp. Put that in one of the hides so the BP can curl up in it.

okay thank you! ill go to the pet store today and look around forsome stuff!

04-26-09, 10:57 AM
just be careful you can overmist and make it a really soggy shed and the shed will be nasty feeling and kinda break a lot. i made that mistake from keeping the tank too wet.

04-26-09, 12:21 PM
You could also get a sheet of plastic and cover the top with it . . . I know in my case, moving the BP's enclosure to the bathroom is NOT an option--not enough room! ;)

there's not enought room in my bathroom either haha it takes up the entire thing basically :P

04-27-09, 09:49 PM
GOOD NEWS!!!! tonight b4 i got online to play some xbox i seen some sheddings in her cage!, it came out very nice, with 2 peices! and her eye caps also came off ( witch i was worried about! ) thanks for all your help!

04-28-09, 06:27 AM
Hooray! Congratulations on a job well done--we always like to see snake keepers who put in the effort to do their best for the herps in their care.

04-28-09, 12:10 PM
thank you, thank you...

dont know if this helped but i took dish towels and got them wet, then laid them over her cage, she shed a day after :)

04-28-09, 08:19 PM
It most likely DID help.

04-28-09, 11:00 PM
oh yeah the towels help with humidity soooo much,
i do that a lot.
the sheds always end up PERFECT when i do that :)

Happy to hear it turned out good!

04-29-09, 12:14 PM
thanks man!