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i just sent this email to rep Ron Klein of florida on the H.R. 669 bill
In regards to H.R.669 i wish you to stop supporting this bill. i have several reptiles and i do not agree that because Burmese pythons have thrived throughout the everglades that a national ban need to be in place. i mean think about this. you will cost thousands of people their jobs, their pets(which are like family to us), and the joy of caring and providing for another creature. this bill is absolutely absurd and i wish to tell you that if you expect to run for a seat again you can forget it! i will make sure that you are in the spotlight in the media about this bill! this is a promise! i cant believe that you think that you and your little elected friends can play GOD and decide what can and can not come into this country! The Burmese pythons are surviving because a few stupid people got more than they could handle but it is also called survival of the fittest! not all creatures here in America were native and some did cause harm but that is the world! who are we to decide what can and cant happen here? nature will find one way or another to destroy the obsolete species. and here is a little question for thought! How are the burms taking over the everglades any different than man taking over the world and dominating all species of animals without a second thought? If this bill passes then you need to make it illegal to build any buildings or have dumps, factory's, power plants, because all this harms our wildlife as well. so i say to you again what gives you and your elected friends the right to play god? and here is another why would you basically create a depression by passing this bill? the reptile industry is the largest pet industry in the world and that is a proven fact. by passing this bill you will cause so much economic turmoil that we all might as well go live in a cardboard box. the wildlife that you claim is native to America isn't. nature does what nature does and it would behoove you to remember that next time you co sign on a ******** bill such as H.R. 669. because not only are playing as god but you are interfering in peoples life's and personally i believe it to be an infringement on a humans rights. i urge you to stop this bill and don't give me some cookie cutter response from your aids. i will personally come to speak with politely on this matter if i have to and i can bring some of my friends to if you want. when i say this i mean protesters that will help me spread the word about what evil you are trying to do. this government is corrupt as it is we don't need them butting in our business like this and disturbing our way of life. i will tell you this, if this bill passes i will not give up my pets and i will happily pay the fines to keep them. i really hope that you rethink what you are doing here. i mean this should be illegal to pass this bill period. so please i don't like to be mean like this but this bill has pushed me over the edge. i am sorry if i offend you but i must speak my mind because i helped elect you and i pay taxes every day. i do not want to this bill go into effect and ruin our country. so please stop supporting this bill because it will do more harm then good!
Threatening your representative might not be the smartest thing to have done. I would also like to point out that name-calling is as childish as you can get, and your letter will not only never be taken seriously, but quite possibly used as an example of how uneducated and irresponsible reptile owners can be. A terribly poor example of what you are trying to accomplish.
Also, I hope you corrected your grammar, spelling, punctuation and capitalization before sending it.
It is one thing to feel you have the right to stand up to injustice, but it is also another thing to know your limitations as to whether or not your letter will be taken seriously. Spelling, grammar, punctuation and capitalization are such simple things to correct to make your letter go from something that actually took you time and intelligence to construct or somthing that you threw together half-assed with a crayon and constrcution paper.
I suppose since I'm already being an arse about this, I, as a Canadian, feel that this will not only not affect me as a breeder, but this bill being passed will help the breeders in Canada by forcing Canadian customers to buy their reptiles locally. In many cases, buying reptiles from over the border is far too difficult and expensive already, and banning the over-border from the US sales would strengthen our our reptile market and community.
Am I being selfish? Maybe, but watch me stand up and be spoken for when (though highly unlikely) when something like this gets gains steam up here in Canada.
04-20-09, 05:44 PM
the reptile industry is the largest pet industry in the world and that is a proven fact. by passing this bill you will cause so much economic turmoil that we all might as well go live in a cardboard box.
Yeah, I thought maybe the oil industry or the porn industry were the top two...
04-21-09, 04:34 PM
The oil industry is certainly doing the best economically of all industries, it seems. However, of pet industries, wouldn't the dog & dog-related products be the largest pet industry?
A U.S. citizen betting that HR 669 never makes it out of either the committee or the subcommittee to which it has been referred . . .
04-21-09, 06:50 PM
haha maybe hes reffering to the reptile porn industry...
but i would think the dog section of the pet industry would be the largest.
04-22-09, 07:56 AM
I just like the fact that the word "behooved" was used in that letter.
I am getting e-mails from american forums that I am signed up with to fight this ban. I am unsure at this time what it exactly entails but I do not like the sound of it so far.
04-22-09, 08:06 AM
What I've found is that it's a permanent ban on pretty much all non-native livestock. I am going to post what I found on an American website.
ON April 23rd 2009 The Natural Resources Committee of the U.S. Congress will hold a hearing on H.R. 669, a resolution that will in effect ban importation, interstate transport and the private ownership of most birds, mammals, reptiles, and fish as pets. Should HR669 be adopted as written only the following nonnative animals
would be allowed:
any cat (Felis catus)
cattle or oxen (Bos taurus)
chicken (Gallus gallus domesticus)
dog (Canis lupus familiaris)
donkey or *** (Equus asinus)
domesticated members of the family Anatidae (geese)
duck (domesticated Anas spp.)
goat (Capra aegagrus hircus)
goldfish (Carassius auratus auratus)
horse (Equus caballus)
llama (Lama glama)
mule or hinny (Equus caballus x E. asinus)
pig or hog (Sus scrofa domestica)
domesticated varieties of rabbit (Oryctolagus cuniculus)
sheep (Ovis aries)
If this did happen at least then I could have reason to own goats like I always wanted.
04-23-09, 06:42 AM
That's not quite right. The animals you have listed would have an automatic exemption as they are domesticated livestock (agricultural animals) or extremely common pets (dogs, cats).
Other animals would be exempted or banned on a case-by-case (actually, species-by-species) basis. Species that are already so common that import restrictions would be useless will not be banned.
In addition, people can write in and propose species for inclusion on the list of accepted (or banned) species. Sure, it's extra work, but IF--and it's a VERY BIG IF--the bill actually gets out of subcommittee, that's what would happen.
You can access the full text of this bill here:
H.R. 669: Nonnative Wildlife Invasion Prevention Act ( (
Frankly, the likelihood that this bill bill get out of one of these (and especially both) committees is quite low, especially with the fact that USARK submitted nearly 50,000 letters to be used at the hearing this morning.
05-14-09, 04:48 PM
I thought you meant "write to your rep-tiles" lol I was like wow, how?!
05-15-09, 07:55 AM
LOL! We don't have to worry too much for awhile, as HR 669 died in committee. But supporting the U.S. Association of Reptile Keepers (USARK) in helping to develop reasonable laws would be a very good thing!
HR669 may be dead in it's current form, but will be back bigger and stronger soon. Get ready for the BIG fight those of you south of the border.
05-17-09, 09:54 AM
HR669 may be dead in it's current form, but will be back bigger and stronger soon. Get ready for the BIG fight those of you south of the border.
Yep, that's why I am supporting USARK--they are working WITH officials in various areas to help develop reasonable and appropriate laws.
I'm really excited--two herps shows coming up in my state in June!! and I'm being given herp enclosures, and I searching craigslist regularly for Exo-terra & other equipment . . . my poor DH!
05-17-09, 03:05 PM
I was shocked to find a town in Canada(Brampton) had such restrictions.
My shock was displayed in a fast typed horrible worded post.
But reading this 'email' was even more shocking. If a representive from any American 'House' took that seriously, I would lose even more respect for American Elected Officials.
To ever be takin seriously, a mutual respect must be established.
And as far as "who are they to decide what blah blah, you have no right to play god blah blah"
Actually, they are elected to make those decisions.
They are not god, they are simply leaders of your country.
Whos job, is to make laws for the betterment of the ENTIRE country, not just a small population.
I do not support the bill, but confronting any representative with out showing respect, will not recieve any respect... or support.
05-19-09, 10:26 AM
At least HR669 died in committee, but I'm sure there will be more bills like it in the future. I think it is ridiculous to even consider a federal ban, as the individual climates and habitats of the states are too varied for any reptile species to gain a national foothold in the wild. I live in PA, and if any of my snakes got loose, they would not last a month outside in the cool, dry climate. I'm sure we will have to fight more and more in the future to dispel the ignorance and fear surrounding reptile keeping. But I must say that I was appalled by the letter that newby posted- an outwardly rude, threatening, grammatically unsound tirade will NOT get us respect or even notice, for that matter. Think about it, if someone sent you an email like that, would you even bother to read it to the end, or would you get peeved and just delete it? We need to get our word out, yes, but in a professional, respectful manner, so that we will be viewed as intelligent, well-meaning, hard-working citizens and not childish name-callers and tantrum-throwers.
05-19-09, 07:49 PM
I completely agree with Willow and the others about the poorly worded letter. I just wonder, if this terrible bill, or another in the future does pass, if those who already own the reptiles in the bill will be grandfathered in. Btw, sorry about ending the previous sentence in a preposition, but I really didn't know how to word that idea...j/k :)
sorry about ending the previous sentence in a preposition, but I really didn't know how to word that idea
Ok you just took the english nerd cake from sandy lol.
05-20-09, 09:18 AM
you just took the english nerd cake from sandy Hah! ROFL!
05-20-09, 09:23 AM
I think we would all get grandfathered into the bill. From what I read on HR669, people who legally owned reptiles or other exotics at the time that particular species was made illegal would be able to keep them; they just would not be able to cross state lines with them, so forget about moving across country.
And they would not be able to breed them or sell them of course. I think it would create one hell of a black market for reptiles and other exotic pets.
05-20-09, 10:11 AM
Ok you just took the english nerd cake from sandy lol.
ROFL myself, Sandy. Well, as you probably remember, I am the 27-year-old who is not familiar with the forum lingo...but I am improving. :)
Willow, at least we could keep our current reptiles, but it's an all around horrible bill that would create a huge black market,(as stated by Kmef). It would cost many people a great deal; financially, emotionally, etc. I sure hope Sandy is right in that this bill dies in both committees.
ya and if they were to create the black market for it then reptiles would become to expensive. When stuff is illegal there is many more people that want it than when it is legal. if they ever made pot legal here then it would no be as big of a deal to most people. People always want what they aren't supposed to have.
and in regards to what the first post said, If you want your reps to think you are stupid and ignorant then threaten them. if you want them to think you are civilized and decent and have any credibility at all then be nice and respectfull and don't attack them. I am currently arguing a ticket i received with a little village where there is a mayors court and Me and the officer that wrote the ticket were pretty much being asses to each other by the end of the convo. I wasnt' speeding and he was misquoting every law to try and make me think i was wrong. e.x. Telling me my radar detector is illegal in Ohio which it is not... but anyways the point is that I wrote a nice letter to the cheif that expalined i thought the officer was fatigued and I was careful not to attack the officer and put the chief in defense mode. He listened to my case and I preseneted FACTS I did not convey any emotion because they don't care how you feel about something. You have to provide facts facts facts that show that you know your stuff and that they can't put a good case against you. In the HR669 email you wrote they could spin that against you and say look he can't control himself so how can he control a big snake? That makes you look bad!! we as reptile owners have to prove that we are responsible and can handle ourselves and our reptiles.
sorry for the long post but hopefully this proves a point
05-21-09, 06:12 AM
in the hr669 email you wrote they could spin that against you and say look he can't control himself so how can he control a big snake? That makes you look bad!! We as reptile owners have to prove that we are responsible and can handle ourselves and our reptiles. well said.
05-21-09, 07:28 AM
I'm just glad it didn't pass, but I'm worried about what they will come up with next...
The vast majority of herp owners are responsible people who love and care for their animals, the government has no right telling us we can't have them, when people dump dogs and cats by the side of the roads all the time. That is horrible too, and the stray cat/dog populations cause far more trouble than a few big snakes ever would. The government needs to worry about fixing the economy that they screwed up before they come bother the "little guys" who are minding their own business and making money however they can to pay the bills.
There are too many organizations that would stand by the reptile comunity. think about all the activists that speak out against the goverment restricting our freedom. one well written letter to a group like that and you would have people that dont' even care about herps also on our side just because they like to argue about rights.
I don't forsee a bill like that ever passing the way it is written. It might pass if they were to restrict just a few like the anaconda and retic but even that would be hard to get passed i think. California might pass a state law that restricts everything but who cares about them because in a couple hundred more years they are going to be a little island off the coast.
05-21-09, 12:52 PM
Do you think the ACLU would jump on this? They seem like the type of organization that has alot of clout, a ndwould fight for us. I know they are controversial, but if they can get the job done, so be it
Well, Kmef, even if they achieve island status, they will certainly be bankrupt.
05-21-09, 01:45 PM
CA can become a little island off the coast . . . as long as it doesn't become a little island all alone! (as one SF story years ago suggested . . . can't remember the author . . .)
I'm glad it didn't pass federally, but I am one of the few who actually would support a ban for certain animals on a state-by-state basis. Non-native animals can wreak havoc to the local wildlife, and have caused native animals to become extinct on local levels in some areas. Non-native plants are even more damaging, and have cost some states millions of dollars trying to keep them under control, because they end up clogging up water-cleaning facilities.
If people were responsible pet owners, then it wouldn't be an issue. But obviously all it takes is a few idiots....
I'd like to see this as one of the first steps towards creating responsible pet ownership for all pets, and not just exotic ones.
Ridiculous sweeping laws like the one suggested - a ban on the federal level- will never survive. So don't get worked up about those. Instead focus on change on a local level that is not just good for YOU, but good for everyone.
05-23-09, 12:15 AM
Non-native animals can wreak havoc to the local wildlife, and have caused native animals to become extinct on local levels in some areas. Non-native plants are even more damaging . . . If people were responsible pet owners, then it wouldn't be an issue. But obviously all it takes is a few idiots....
Yep, like the starling and African bees.
Today on NPR, there was a very interesting interview with a guy who had researched plants introduced from the UK to North America. In the UK, one particular plant supports something like 156 other species--insects, birds, etc. This plant was introduced in the U.S. about 400 years ago, and over the centuries, only FIVE native species have been able to adapt to live off that plant.
I just went & looked up the author who was interviewed: Doug Tallamy
Author, "Bringing Nature Home: How You Can Sustain Wildlife with Native Plants" (Timber Press, 2009)
Professor and Chair
Entomology and Wildlife Ecology
University of Delaware
Newark, Delaware
It was extremely interesting. If I recall correctly, he said the oak tree supports over 500 different species--that makes the oak tree one of the most important trees in North America for sustaining bio-diversity. The show was really interesting. If you want to listen to it, you can find it on in the Science Friday program: Science Friday Archives: Gardening with Native Plants (
OK, enough from me. I should actually sleep tonight, as my oldest son & his wife are coming in the morning . . .
There is a huge problem in the Ohio area right now due to a beetle that bores into trees and kills them. It is such a problem right now that you can't transfer any firewood across county lines. The gov in ohio in the last 2 years it has been a major problem has spent millions trying to control it. it was supposedly introduced by shipping firewood in from other states and here this little beetle has no real natural predators. now any wood shipped into ohio must have been treated to make sure it isn't infected. There are also huge fines to be had if caught bringing in wood from outside your county.
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