View Full Version : reptile rescue!?
12-23-02, 05:55 PM
someone tossed this out in my yard today. wound looks 5-6 days old, I doubt I'lll try to sew it up
I hit the old boy (looks like he's 10+) with penicillin and dumped some hydrogenperoxide on it, not sure the ear will be able to be saved. Ol boy stinks bad, but I'll probably toss em in the shower. Don't know if it's just me but I don't see no scales.
Well good luck with him Rev!
Wishing you the best of luck. Looks like he was throw into the right yard :)
Our best wishes are with you Rev!
12-23-02, 06:31 PM
That is a nasty wound.Hope everything goes well and you end up with a new best friend.Like tony said good thing it ended up in your yard.
Best of luck with him...keep us updated on how everything goes.
Season greatings
Jamie and Kory
12-23-02, 06:44 PM
all i can say is good luck and i hope he gets better??
hey rev by any chance are you vet??
Poor guy.... :( It breaks my heart to see something like that but it's nice to know there are people like you taking him in and taking care of him.
The best would be to have him seen by a vet, I don't know if there is a question of money but I know there are some vets that reduce rates and donate time and services to rescue cases. The reason I'm mentionning is that the dog would do better by either having the wound sutured (it may still be possible) or a proper dressing for maximum healing.
Whatever you do he does look in need of a good bath :) You might want to trim the fur around the wound to help keep it cleaner. A daily application of antibiotic ointment (a light coat) would also be beneficial.
Good luck to both of you and keep us posted.
Glad to know he's in good hands :)
I can't believe there are people in this world that would do such an absolutley terrible thing to a living creature. Rev, I'm so glad that there are still caring people like yourself to helo this poor old guy! Thank you!
12-23-02, 07:33 PM
Rev! WOW!! that is insane!! You are truly a great person for taking him in.. I would think he is in need for stitches though?? If you brought him into a vet and emplained the situation or animal control and said you would be more then happy to care for him after the initial treatment, maybe they would stitch him up for free??
12-23-02, 07:43 PM
Good luck, he does look like he needs to be seen by a vet though, as he will have to be sedated to have the wound properly taken care of. Good luck, looks like you got an early christmas present though.
Happy Holidays, hope he gets better soon
Yikes! That's awful! Poor lil guy :( I'm in agreement with everyone else though, that definitely needs some professional treatment. Good luck with him and keep us updated! :thumbsup:
Looks like there's a lot of dead tissue in the wound, which isn't too bad if it's just surface but that for sure needs a vet's care. They probably can't stitch things up until the necrotic tissue all dies off or gangrene will be trapped under the skin. They do this thing with wet to dry bandaging to try and keep healing tissue clean and healthy while allowing dying tissue to die off without infection spreading.
Many vets have Good Samaritan policies where they don't bill the folks who bring in a wounded stray.
Good luck and let us know how he does!
That is absolutely criminal. Thank you for taking in and taking care of that poor dog. Wound looks like it could use debriding, too old to sew up. I daresay he will need a few megatons of PCN to clear that up. Good luck to the both of you!
wow, good luck with it man, keep us updated on the condition
Poor guy, hope he does well in your care.
12-24-02, 11:57 AM
i'm in college majoring in vetinary medicine .. and that just makes me wanna kill somebody .. i bet in a few years ur gonna see on the news "crazy vet kills abuser of animals! details at 11" .. i have no patience to the killing or abuse of an animal and i .. GRRRR.. i see red :(
Good luck, I myself have 4 rescue dogs. All were in bad shape when I got them. One was used as pittbull bait, just a tiny puppy, and the vet said she should be put down. Just couldn't bring myself to do it becuase she had so much life in her eyes. To make a long story short, she is now 3 years old and one on my best friends. Hang in there. Love and patience goes a long way...
12-24-02, 05:10 PM
that is sick...who in the right mind would do something like that!!! im horribly disgusted with the fact that someone can actually get pleasured by hurting this dog!
best of luck rev and PLEASE update us.
12-24-02, 06:51 PM
there should be more people like you. when my cat got hit my a car the people just hide her in a bush and drove off and she wasnt even dead. we had to put her down. How is he/she doing?
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