View Full Version : im new!

03-08-09, 09:35 PM
hows it going every one im new to the forms., and im from vancouver b.c.trying to find a local gree tree python breeder can anyone help?

03-18-09, 05:37 PM
Not a big GTP person and i don't really know where to get one in the states let alone canada hopefully aaron or someone that lives up there will help out. but welcome!!

03-18-09, 08:07 PM
Sorry I don't know any breeders but welcome to the site!!

03-19-09, 05:10 PM
Welcome, Pada1! We're glad to have you. Do some searching for GTP on this forum; you might find someone who has some info.

Good luck finding what you want!

Oh--check for reptile shows near you, too--I know there's one somewhere in Alberta near the end of April; maybe there will be one hear you soon. Better to buy your snake from a breeder than from a pet store.