View Full Version : Proud owner of 1st snake!

03-08-09, 10:54 AM
Hi All,

I am so excited that I finally found my 3 year old male Saharan sand boa. He's really docile and has a great disposition. I just wanted to ask a couple of questions of any experts out there(I am sure there are plenty)!

1. When I purcased him, his caretaker told me he was shedding, but how much longer should I expect this to occur? I have read that handling him is not a very good idea during this stage. Is this true?

2. Regarding heat, I have installed a 10-20 gallon heatpad underneath on the opposite side of the water dish side, and it seems to keep it in the low to mid 80's. Petstore girl told me to turn off the pad at night b/c we keep our house around 76-78. Is this a good idea, and how many hours should it be off vs. hours on during the day?

3. I would love to see him move around at night, but I always fall asleep. If his temp is low enough, will light in my house keep him from being active at night?

Sorry It's so wordy, but this is my first snake, and I want him to be happy and healthy. Any suggestions or constructive criticism would be welcomed. Thanks everyone and good to be here.


03-08-09, 06:58 PM
Aww! That's ncie!

Before a snake will shed you can see their eyes turn sort of a cloudy blue colour. They could shed a few days after that i think up to a few weeks after that. When they are actually shedding the shed should come off all in once piece. Be sure to check that the skin over the eyes comes off and the skin at the tip of the tail comes off. If the shed doesn't come off in one piece that means that something (humidity, temps, water bowl...) is wrong with the husbandry. This can usually be corrected very easily.

I use a heat light, so i'm not familliar with heating pads. I have a ball python...just incase you were wondering.

I don't think that the light in your house will keep your snake from being active. If you don't see him, he's probably taking time to adjust to his new environtment. I have a light on until pretty late where my bp is kept and he still comes out to explore his habitat.


03-08-09, 09:14 PM
Aww...ball pythons are so beautiful, but I went for the smaller snake --being tight on living space. How old/big is yours?

I am so excited...my little guy shed tonight and it seems to be in one piece. I will check his eyes, but it is okay to handle him yet? I read once that after a shed their skin is very sensitive for a bit.

Thanks for all the good info and have a great evening :freakedout: