View Full Version : New enclosure for corn, BP & JCP

12-23-02, 08:51 AM
Still a few thing to go... Sliding door and heat equipment.

12-23-02, 08:55 AM
Can't put more then one pic:confused: :confused:
so...I'll put some more when i'll finish it.

12-23-02, 09:43 AM
Outstanding! That sucker is going to be heavy! :D

12-23-02, 10:04 AM
Very nice, make sure to show us the finished version, I am sure to have some questions then.


12-23-02, 10:04 AM
Fantastic!! Very nice job!

12-23-02, 10:07 AM
Well it is, that was the big part of the job take this from the garage and bring it down the house but now it's on the same floor as my herp room so i'll just slid it in!!!:D

12-23-02, 10:09 AM
Thank's but i can't delete.

12-23-02, 12:33 PM
looking great!

12-23-02, 01:22 PM
nice, that thing looks like it weighs a ton

12-23-02, 01:44 PM
That is Fantastic

I would love to have one like that for my Ball, corns and Bearded dragons

Great job:thumbsup:

12-23-02, 02:51 PM
Your snakes look like they'll have tonnes of room. nice job.

12-25-02, 11:43 AM
Thank you all for comment:) Sure i'll post some new pic went it'll be finish.
I like see them snaking around...

01-02-03, 08:41 AM
There it is, just need to put a few decoration and some branche.

01-02-03, 09:12 AM
Very nice!

I built a really large cage that was 6x4x2 a while ago and yours seems to be about 8x4x2 .. its very nice but this is my rookie mistake with it ..

It may be fin now to move around even though it ways a ton but what happen latter when u move and u need to fit it through that tight corner or those staris wich turn..

If u can, always built in pieces cause what I had to do is cut my cage in half and figure out a way to re-attach it after .. trust me - that was the biggest waste of my time ever .. I hope this never happens to u but unfortunetly no one never knows what the future holds.

again - amazing cages bud! great job.


01-02-03, 09:32 AM
Thank you, it's a 6X4X2 it weight a tone but i don't think this will have to move but as you said we never know...So it's all built with screw seal with
aquarium silicon :D .

01-02-03, 09:35 AM
cool - best of luck with that monster .. It loooks so good though!

By the way .. check this thread .. it will tell you ho to edit a previously done post ..


(so u dont have to make an other post to say u made a mistake :) )

Take care bud
