View Full Version : Wolfus AKA Escape artist

02-28-09, 06:47 AM
Hey there,
This is what happened last night...earlier this morning if you want to get all proper about it lol:
I wake woken up at 3AM by my mum "Kendra. KENDRA!! Come quick!!" I figured I had overslept and was running late to get ready for work. I go into the little ...it's sort of like a room I guess, the floorspace at the top of the stairs and my mum says "Kendra! Come quick!!!! Wolfus got out!!!!!!" I ran down the stairs to see one of the sliding glass doors of his enclosure open just enough for him to get out of. Then I realize "ohmygosh! I need to find him before my puppy does!" We don't have doors on the room his habitat is in just baby gates to keep the dog out. I found him at the other end of the room and made sure he was ok. Everything seems ok so far. I then spent nearly an hour cleaning up the broken crystal container he smashed off our piano, the lamp that had a full glass body that he smashed of the table and two big plants that spilled dirt all over my dining room. *sigh* such a trouble maker. I'm glad I found him though. I made sure that none of the glass/crystal that he slithered through had damaged him and I didn't see anything. I also brushed him all off and made sure there was nothing stuck to him. He was still active when I put him back in his habitat. The doors are now taped (with about 1/2 a roll of masking tape) closed on either side. There are plants weighing down the top so he won't be able to escape from there again.
That is my most recent interesting story.

02-28-09, 09:58 AM
Oh, what fun! Wolfus had quite an adventure, didn't he?! :Wow:

Sounds like you need to get some locking clips. The rule we were given when we first got our BP was "if you can lift it/move it/open it, then the BP can lift it/move it/open it." Going by that rule, our wire spring clips weren't good enough, and neither would plants or rocks or blocks have been good enough. It's truly amazing how strong these creatures are! :)

02-28-09, 08:03 PM
I've learned that now!! *whew* It's a good thing my dad didn't come home from work and find him. He's not too fond of him...
Yupp, tomorrow I plan on building proper locking bars.