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02-27-09, 04:15 PM
(19 March 2004, Si Sa Ket Province, Thailand) During his snake-handling performance, Boonreung the "Snake Man" was bitten on the right elbow by a deadly mamba. While a lesser mortal might have rushed to a doctor for a dose of antivenin, the daring 34-year-old had his own treatment method: he downed a shot of whiskey and some herbal medicine. But alcohol and herbs are not generally recognized as effective against snake bites. It was on with the show -- until paralysis gradually took hold, and he collapsed.

At this point, he was unable to speak, and thus raised no objections as bystanders took him to Praibung Hospital. But it was too late. The poison had spread throughout his body, and he died the same day. Ironically, Boonreung is immortalized in the Guinness Book of World Records for having spent seven days in a roomful of venomous snakes in 1998. DarwinAwards.com © 1994 - 2009 (http://darwinawards.com/misc/copyright.html)
Submitted by: Dan Gutman (REMOVE-)
Reference: AP Asia

This is why snake laws are getting more strict all over the world. stupid people that think they know it all.......

02-28-09, 06:39 AM
Yeah! It sucks!
If you care for them properly, do your research and continue to learn then snakes aren't going to attack and kill you. Geez! There are too many drama queens in the world today.

02-28-09, 09:52 AM
Kyle, are you aware that the link you posted leads to a page about copyright violations?


02-28-09, 10:02 AM
That link is there to show that it isn't mine. that was my way of citing it i guess is the best way to put it. obviously chu you know the laws to that more than i do. anyway to post this and make it so it isn't a violation?

02-28-09, 10:15 AM
If everyone just goes to the bottom of the copyright explanation page, they can click on "Home" and then search for "snake bite" and they'll get the story--as well as several others. My favorite is the one about the idiot in Oregon . . .

02-28-09, 06:24 PM
ya well might as well post the home page. oh well anyways ya there are a lot of good stories. search the one "Crutch to Crotch"

02-28-09, 08:00 PM
When I click on the link it just brings me back to this thread...

02-28-09, 09:17 PM
Try this: http: // darwinawards .com/

Copy the above http, paste it into your browser window, remove the spaces before //, before d, and after s . (I stuck those in so it wouldn't make a hyperlink here). Then search for snake bite (or crutch to crotch!). Have fun!

03-01-09, 01:12 PM
Hahah thanks Chu!

03-02-09, 12:06 PM
Was watchin amazing ER stories or whatever its called.there was a story about a posionous snake handler that got bit by a pacific dimond back. he thought he was immune cause he was drinking their venom and had been bitten before and survived with no treatment, but each bite he got was making him more allergic. He survived, but was bleeding outa of every opening and...... well the re-enactment was gross.