View Full Version : dream snake
02-22-09, 03:56 PM
what is your dream snake mine would be a jungle carpet python or an albino burmesse that only got to 10foot
02-22-09, 03:59 PM
Well I love my ball python and I love green tree pythons, oh, I also really like brazillian rainbow boas. Probably one of those. I haven't seen a huge variety of snakes. For me though it's all about pattern, colour and the head structure.
I recently saw a moon glow boa that got close.
02-23-09, 03:15 AM
Yellow Anaconda with the personality of my Haitian Ground Boa
02-23-09, 09:05 AM
Ill never get this snake but; an albino King cobra that isn't poisonous and has the personality of a BP.
I would love to have any snake that would be able to eat my ex girlfriend. she is a crazy bitch.
Piebald BP!
Brazillian Rainbow Boa
Green Tree Python
Amazon Tree Boa
Mojave BP
Olive Python
Columbian Red Tail
...I could go on and on..that's the top of the list though ;)
02-23-09, 12:22 PM
th eone im getting the candy corn, haha.
02-23-09, 01:58 PM
piebald and or albino bp
02-26-09, 04:21 PM
i think mine would be an emerald tree boa :)
02-26-09, 06:38 PM
Boelen's Pythons and Amazon Basin Emerald Tree Boas.
02-28-09, 10:15 PM
OMG--I had to go look for pics of the Boelen's pythons to see what they are . . . they are absolutely gorgeous! I love the black & white/yellow with the iridescence on the black--amazing.
Darn--they get too big for me!
I love the patterns on the Amazon Basin ETBs--I'd have to put those down as a favorite, too, but I'd have to add a dream enclosure to go with the dream snake! ;)
Edmond Y
03-04-09, 01:30 AM
I would love to have an albino green tree, but it seems even I sell off all my body parts and won't be able to get one.
03-04-09, 09:44 AM
even I sell off all my body parts and won't be able to get one
Yeah, I know what you mean. I might try selling my first-born son . . . oh, wait, he's old enough to refuse . . . ne'mind!
03-12-09, 09:59 AM
Mine would be emerald tree boa or Green tree python. I am getting an Emerald Tree Boa this coming week, so my dream is soon to be realized. It is coming from a breeder in Tennessee who promises it to be completely tame and handleable...I cannot wait..such a BEAUTIFUL, AWESOME animal!! :)
03-13-09, 10:20 AM
mine would be an anery brazillian rainbow boa.
03-13-09, 02:15 PM
Lovely animals! I'm still leaning towards piebald BPs, though . . .
03-14-09, 12:39 AM
My dream snake is a Pewter Fire ball snake. Or a Leucistic. Haven't decided yet, but I'm getting one at the end of March or the beginning of April! Yes, I'm new here. Just logged in for the first time. =]
03-15-09, 11:49 AM
Piebalds are neat- the black-eyed leucistic ball pythons are really cool too. But I like the bumblebee balls the best.
03-16-09, 03:12 AM
Yeah, the bumblebee BPs are really nice-looking snakes. Some of the Spiders are nice, too.
I haven't seen the Pewter Fireball--where can I see a pic?
03-17-09, 06:57 AM
I wasn't aware there was such a thing...hmmm...I'll have to Google Image it and see what comes up.
Since most everyone has mentioned the boas and Pythons, I thought I would throw out something a little different. A San Fransisco Garter snake. One of the sharpest garter out there, if not the sharpest looking garter.
So, Boots I just had to look up that snake Ive heard the name but since it was a garter I thought nothing of it. That is a amazing looking snake, really truly beautiful!!
03-24-09, 07:28 AM
Me, too. WOW! So somebody has been breeding them in the Netherlands. They are truly beautiful snakes, but I'll bet very, very few of us would be able to acquire one! I'd go for a pair . . . but I don't have enough breeding experience to convince anyone to let me have them! :(
Markus Jayne, Ball pythons | (
THIS is my actual dream snake. :D :D
The genes in some of these BP's are cool but as for actual looks there kinda ugly to me!:) not to much Coy bashing now lol
not going to lie it looks like a bad black and white movie
03-26-09, 07:43 AM
Jason, I would have to agree. Garters are very underrated.
hey guys/girls havent been on in awile n i got my blood eating :-] i guess he was fasting but my sister fell in love w him so yea she has him now lol but i just picked up my dream snake its a 6 ft brazilian rainbow boa so beautifull!! n she is extreamly tame not agressive at all her belley is turning a lil pink so she is going into shed right?
03-26-09, 03:44 PM
Sounds like it, Steven. Make sure the humidity in her enclosure stays at the top of her range, maybe a bit more. I know BRBs need around 75-80% generally, but it probably wouldn't hurt to increase to 90% until she sheds; just watch for mold.
Now your sister has a snake, too--you're a nice brother to have!
Ya my brazilian's belly is pearly white usually and gets a pinkish tint when she goes into shed. post some pics!!!! and ya shoot for like 95%-100% humidity during shed with the brazilians. just don't saturate the cage like i did cuz that causes problems.
yea she has a pair of bps its pregnant. n i have her in a 55 gallon tank i got her at slither n swim.. i just baught her n her whole set up she was in so she would b comfey... but the humitiy i cant get it past 80 i spray it like 8 times a day n A big water bowle is in thier .. i saw a humitity fogger at the pet store i guess it mistes the tank so maney hr/min is that any good its around $90
03-27-09, 10:50 AM
I've heard those are a real time-saver.
However, what kind of enclosure do you have her in? Does it have screen on the top or on the front? You may need to seal it about half off to get the humidity to go up higher, even with an automatic fogger.
on top n i have saran wrap covering almost the whole top.. enough open 4 air flow tho but r those fogger things any good dont wanna just waste the money.. n thiers A reptile show in NY. i might go have any one ever went to that 1?
03-27-09, 11:36 AM
OK, I just was on another forum and found that someone had adapted a $30 ultrasonic humidifer to fog their vivaria. The forum is and the thread is External Ultrasonic Fogger . You might want to check out what they did, as it appears that it will cost you less than half what you're looking at. They posted pics so you can see what they did and how it looks, too.
good luck!
i tried to go but the site is having problems ill try later but thx
03-27-09, 09:11 PM
Here's a link to the thread:
External Ultrasonic Fogger - Vivarium Forums (
Hope you're able to see what he's done. Not beautiful, but could be hidden, and it apparently does the job. Some of the folks on that forum are real pros at DIY. Kinda like Mykee here.
yea i found 1 just like the one on that site but a lil nicer gunna try 2 make it hopfully 2 day..
my brb is almost 6ft n eats a meidum rat just fine should i try giving him 1 a lil bigger? wats the biggest that thay will eat wen they are a full grown adult..? thx
03-28-09, 03:23 PM
XxxxKatrinaxxX - They do devenomize cobras- they are referred to as "venomoid." I'm sure someone has done a king cobra, but I know the monocled cobras are pretty popular. They can be hand-tamed, although I would recommend always treating it with kid gloves. There's always the chance someone screwed up the surgery and left a bit of venom gland in there, and even if fully devenomized, they still have nasty fangs. I am thinking of getting a normal venomoid monocled.
03-28-09, 03:50 PM
Steven, what's the diameter of the widest girth of your BRB? From what I've read for care of BRBs, the size of the prey item you can feed should be determined by the girth of your snake, with the prey about the same size or slightly smaller than the widest portion of the snake. It should make a noticeable lump.
03-28-09, 03:56 PM
Katrina & Willow, regarding the cobras being devenomized--though it is done, it is not a healthy thing for the snakes. In part, their venom is necrotizing, which means it digests tissue. It is an important component of digestion for them. When the venom glands are removed, their digestive capabilities are significantly reduced, impairing their long-term health.
my brb is almost 6ft n eats a meidum rat just fine should i try giving him 1 a lil bigger? wats the biggest that thay will eat wen they are a full grown adult..? thx
The ones that i have seen can easily take a large rat as long as they are fed regularly. a breeder i know has a breeding pair and he keeps them rather large and the male eats a large rat every 2-3 weeks and the female eats a jumbo rat every 2 weeks or so. He usually feeds his snakes about 3 days after they have the bowel movement that contains the remains of the prey. He said it is when the poop is brown or black.
ok thank u guys.. n i cant find the right humidifyer anywere!!
Ok so just found my definite dream snake!!! A Pearl Island Boa. Im trying to figure out how much they cost but they are really rare.
04-22-09, 10:18 AM
A third snake, preferably a python of any kind, but the hubby needed weeks of convincing before letting me have my 2nd snake(a an albino male corn with more breeding for dominan tred coloration). Until we're out of renting ando into owning our own place, a new python won't be finding its way here any time soon- assuming that bill doesn't go through!:unibrow:
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