View Full Version : What kinds of reptiles would you prefer in this tank!!!

02-16-09, 02:55 PM
Hey guys, new here. I'm planiing in purchasing a 48in. by 24in. by 18in. Acrylic Sliding Front Tank from glass cages:

http://glasscages.com/gc2/prodpics/t_90acrylicslidergranite.jpg what kinds of reptiles can live in this tank for life and how many?

By the way the grayish pattern is the acrylic part (scartches aren't easy to see) and the front is made of glass.

02-18-09, 09:00 AM
How about you do the research for the animals you want and see if they can live in there as an adult? That's a lot easier then asking us for what can live in the tank. YOU still have to own it and care for it. So it should be something YOU want.

02-18-09, 10:45 PM
Also, if you're wanting multiple animals in the tank, you should consider something other than snakes. You can keep two or three (e.g., two females & a male) of some lizards, but it's a very bad plan to keep more than one snake in the same enclosure.

02-19-09, 09:09 AM
You could keep bearded dragon(s), they're really sweet pets. Just a suggestion.

02-19-09, 12:22 PM
i think ur just looking for a starting point am i right .theres lots of thing that could fit it that corns ,small boas ,ball pythons and lots of kinds of lizards .im proble wrong tho .if u told us what u liked we could help alot more

02-19-09, 12:38 PM
1.1 red ackies!