View Full Version : My new tat, and some others

02-16-09, 09:23 AM
I'm all excited about my new tat and just have to show it off. It hurts like a B***h but oh so very worth every second of pain. Just got it done last night. And a few others I have. I love tattoos and seeing other people's so post your own

http://i296.photobucket.com/albums/mm164/angieb_3/Tats/Angie.jpg Have loved Aerosmith since I was like 5, so had to incorporate into a tat.

http://i296.photobucket.com/albums/mm164/angieb_3/Tats/Picture032.jpgHope this one is appropriate....this is my girl Mel's tattoo.

http://i296.photobucket.com/albums/mm164/angieb_3/Tats/Melsback2.jpgAnd another of hers.

My boyfriend did all of these for us.

02-16-09, 09:53 AM
Wow nice tats... They look great ur bf does great work. i have always wanted one but i get bored of things easily and don't wanna regret something that is painful as hell to take off.

02-17-09, 06:29 AM
Wow, they're really nice!
How long have you had them?

02-17-09, 07:52 AM
This is just slightly over a year old now.


02-17-09, 08:43 AM
Angie, nice, birght tattoo! The flowers really pop.

Aaron that is so sweet! I like the colours, they've all been blended really nicely, and they're nice and bold. Awesome! How long did that take? I'm assuming you took a couple sitting haha? I have a rib piece and it hurt. It's smaller than yours though.

I'll have to post some of mine too..I only have 4 right now..I LOVE tattoos :D

02-17-09, 09:31 AM
Thanks siz. The colour has healed really well. I missed the tattoo convention last year so I couldn't go show it off in some colour contest.

Umm in total I think I was in the seat for 7 - 8 hours over two sessions. I haven't spent less than 3.5 hours in a session yet between the two tattoos I have.

02-17-09, 09:40 AM
Thanks for all the great comments. AaronS, that is a sweet tat for sure, and I love the saying. I haven't had the nerve to do a rib piece yet, may have to get some numbing cream first because I hear that's almost the worst place to get one, besides the foot. You should post a pic of the other one. I have 9 in total, a cross on my ankle that I did myself, a tribal heart that a friend of mine did, that same friend's name, the 2 pics I posted, a tiger, my boyfriend's name and my kids' handprint and footprint. Got the tiger when I was 16 and all the other within the past 8 months. That's the glory of having guns and ink at my disposal :D I get a tat for every special ocasion, and if he doesn't want to do it, I do. Though I'm not nearly as good...ok I'm done rambling. Please do post some Siz.

02-17-09, 10:48 AM
I have a tat on both my ribs and foot, and I gotta say..ribs take the cake, and then some. Numbing cream wouldn't do while you were actually getting inked, you couldn't get the colour through the cream without a huge mess I would imagine. I'll take some updated pictures and will post them this evening :) I can't seem to find the ones on my computer..

02-17-09, 11:27 AM
Hmmm...I guess some people are just different. My friend got one on her foot and screamed the whole time, then again she is a drama queen and a half. My boyfriend has about 30 tats now, only 2 smaller ones on his ribs and one on his foot. He says the foot was the worst. There is cream and spray you can get to numb the area being done. The stuff we have is garbage but it was not made specifically for tattoos so I guess that's why. There is cream you can get for the outline and stuff, then there is spray for the rest. I guess you put it on after the outline and it soaks into the broken skin. I believe both are 4% Lidocaine, 2% Tetracaine, and 12%Benzocaine. Not sure if they'll do the trick but we'll see. We have Emla cream which oesn't work worth a S**t, and stud 500 or something which works for about 20 mins at a time but comes off a little with every time the tat needs to be wiped.

02-17-09, 01:31 PM
I just think if you can't handle the pain then just don't get a tattoo in that area.

02-17-09, 07:44 PM
Wow, Aaron! Nice one! I love the colours! Did you come up with the design yourself or did you see it somewhere and decide "i think i'll get a tattoo of that!"? I have a t-shirt that says "death before dishonor" and it has a sword and flowers and skulls...that's why I ask.
I love looking at tats but I'm not sure I could go through with getting one. I change my mind way too often, even about hair colour and style and am a needle-phobic. For right now I will stick to dying my hair and getting critisized by my family. Maybe one day I'll find something that I like enough to get a tattoo of it.
I really like the look of the picture I attached.

02-17-09, 08:32 PM
Aaron S you're very right, if you can't handle the pain, don't get one there. I'm just scared that it'll hurt so much I won't want it finished...lol. That picture is pretty cool looking Wolfus 305. It's something I would consider getting for sure. I know that some of mine were last minute decisions and I may regret tham later on, but I'll just have to deal with them if I ever get to that point.

02-17-09, 09:01 PM
Thank you, Angie! =]
Speaking of pain: when I was little my mum took me to get my ears pierced because I had begged and begged for months to get it done. I was sitting in the chair and the first one hurt so much I was ready to leave with just one ear pierced. My mum put me back in the chair and wouldn't let me leave 'till the other one was done.
I would probably want to leave before it was finished but I wouldn't want half a tattoo so I would force myself to stay 'till it was finished.
I don't think I've ever regretted anything that I've done. After a while modifications (tats, piercings...) become part of you that you don't even notice them any more.
I saw a friend today who I hadn't seen in a few weeks and the first thing they said was "oh my gosh! you have blue hair!" and I thought to myself "I looked in the mirror this morning but didn't notice the fluorescent blue, guess I'm just used to it".

02-18-09, 08:16 AM
I was with a girl who was going to get tattooed once, and the artist started on her arm, made one line, and the girl decided it was too painful and told him to stop! Now she has a .. black line .. on her arm, lol.
But yeah, I guess everyone is different and you can't really tell beforehand if you'll have the pain tolerance. Personally, I think it's all part of the process! :)

02-18-09, 08:57 AM
Both of my tattoos are custom. The one on my ribs was thought up by me and then drawn by the tattoo artist. I didn't get the idea from those "old school" shirt designs that I now see everywhere.

02-18-09, 10:01 AM
My grade 9 gym teacher had a hectagon on her ankle, I guess she was going for a soccer ball and couldn't handle the rest of it...poor woman. Maybe I'll just keep practicing on myself and my friends till I'm good enough to do the one on my foot myself. It doesn't seem to hurt as much when you're doing it yourself. Anyone want a free tat done by me? I'm not too horrible, I managed a cross on myself and it looks like a cross...lol.

02-18-09, 01:00 PM
No I don't get tattoos done by anyone but a professional, in a shop. There's just something I like about a sterile environment.

02-18-09, 01:47 PM
Nice tatt's I have several but, including one i got when young and drunk that I wish I hadnt of.

02-18-09, 02:00 PM
Ya maybe if i was closer to you. that would be a hell of a story for the kids........well this tat i got was from a girl i met on this snake forum and she offered and i acceppted so now i have a something that resembles a cross on my back. lol that would be one hell of a story.

02-18-09, 02:06 PM
I have a few little ones. Mark





02-18-09, 02:06 PM
This one was my 13th snake tattooed on Friday the 13th it was a "freebie" too Woo Hoo! LOL


A couple more old pics when right foot was just getting started, now completed. Mark




02-18-09, 02:07 PM
First tattoo, not the best pics.



1rst & second together (whole leg "socked out" now)


I'll wait until I get some new pics of my other leg before I post them. There is a thread here about that tattoo anyway (edit - BC Reptile Club • Login (http://www.dasnakes.com/bcrc/viewtopic.php?f=8&t=682&hilit=coop+tattoo) ). Its my COOP Halloween Tatty. I have 6 sessions in on it so far. Just got around 4 hours worth again on Friday the 13th & am in again next Friday the 13th (March) all day for round 7. Approx 25-30 hours work done on it so far. Its coming along nicely, Mark

02-18-09, 02:08 PM
A couple more of my right legs "action" taken prior beig "socked out". Mark



P.s. yes I cheated again Aaron LOL I had just posted all of this on the BC forum last night, so did the good old copy & paste. This forum only allows 4 images per post though so I tweaked it up some

02-18-09, 02:09 PM
wow that first one and tats like it are awesome i really like the way they look the others are really good too but that one is my favorite.

02-18-09, 02:19 PM
As for all this BS about numbing cream etc. :rolleyes: thats NOT what getting tattoed on is all about. Maybe you could get someone to put you under & you could miss out on the whole process LOL Futhermore this crap you are talking about is not what you want in your fresh tatty. My major concern would be how it messes up how it heals & effects the pigment going in etc. Tattoos are not for wimps, if you are wimpy & require some kind of "crutch" when getting worked on do perks or something at least they will not effect the pigments etc. going into the tatty. All my work has been done without pills, creams etc. to numb out pain, pain is part of the deal. Having done extensive work on/around both ankles & feet I can tell you that anyone considering geting work done there had better have a HUGE tolerance for pain as its far from pleasant.
Also as a last tidbit, get your work done in a licensed shop. They are health inspected regularily & are a STERILE enviroment, unlike "basement jobs" You get what you pay for. Futhermore you don't get any free extras like baterial infections, blood poisoning, AIDS, hepititus (sp?) etc. etc. etc. Cheers Mark

02-18-09, 05:40 PM
I knew you'd show up in this thread Mark. I don't check your BC forum so I wouldn't know if you cheated or not. I don't really care I just like bugging you about it. I think I've taken it as far as I can now though.

I can't wait to see the COOP one all done. I am thinking about getting my left ribs done but I have to cook up some sort of image for it first. I think I should mimic the right ribs and go with some old school style.

02-18-09, 06:31 PM
We don't have a liscenced shop but we do have all pre sterilized and individually packaged needles. Tubes and grips are sterilized after every use. Not that anyone here would ever really get one from my boyfriend, just stating that for everyone's knowledge. I have used the numbing spray on the Angie/Aerosmith tat I got done and it seems to have taken perfectly, then again I do agree that some may mess with the color. I just think that if I can get a tat and not have 100% of the pain, I'm all for it. Some very nice ones you have there Mark. The chest and back piece are very intense...nice.

02-18-09, 07:46 PM
As for sterile enviroments an autoclave is a must for all sterilizing plus a room set up exclusively for tattooing. No rug, no cloth furniture, no drapes, no surfaces at all that can't be fully sterized. If you can't wipe it down with the heavy duty wipes that kill everything or a super strong bleach solution they shouldn't be in a room used for tattoos. An airborne virus course (or whatever they call it) is a must as well.
Tattoos can be done other than at shops, but only "safely" with the proper setups. Cheers Mark

02-19-09, 09:57 AM
I should have checked whatthe thing he has for sterilizing the tubes ans stuff is called. It's a big silver thing that he got with one of the kits from Superior Tattoo. It's called an electric steam sterilizer. He does them in the dining room mainly, no carpets or any soft surfaces that I can see. Might seem bad because that's where 'normal' families eat, we eat in the living room or outside when we can. He's got these big paper type sheets too to put on the table and any chair being used, also has a dentist chair that can be easily wiped. I know it's not as sterile as a shop would be, but it's as close as we think possible when doing them from our home. The only problem is getting him to do mine :( I don't pay for them so it takes him months to want to do another on me.

02-19-09, 01:36 PM
Sounds like he is set up OK then. Not too sure about the "electric steam sterilizer" hopefully it is the equivalent (sp?) of an autoclave. Cheers Mark

02-20-09, 09:38 AM
I have no idea but it's the only sterilizer in the whole catalogue. They have all different sizes and that but it's the only thing in there to sterilize the equipment. Don't even know how it works...I assume you put water and your equipment in, plug it in, and it steams them...lol. Just getting that from the name though. Ya it's not the perfect set up but it works, always nice to be able to sit and watch people getting em done in the comfort of my own home :)

02-20-09, 01:57 PM
For an example of how sterile the shop I go to in comparision. They use the type thing you are describing before everything gets autoclaved. It uses sonic type energy if its the same thing anyway. If not its just the equivalent of boiling water.
It whomever doing the ink does not have an Autoclave, I don't get any. A good rule to follow when getting any ink. An autoclave is what hospitals, labs etc. use to properly sterilze their equipment. The safest most effective way of doing so. Cheers Mark

02-20-09, 02:52 PM
thought I would mention most restaurants use those steamers or ones like it for cleaning there dishes.

02-20-09, 03:33 PM
Well i googled 'autoclave' and found a pic that looks just like the one he has:
Google Image Result for http://www.pronailsupplies.com/images/autoclave_.jpg (http://images.google.ca/imgres?imgurl=http://www.pronailsupplies.com/images/autoclave_.jpg&imgrefurl=http://www.pronailsupplies.com/sterilize.html&usg=__kN58gunrSTeKHUHJaMxX0YseWvM=&h=400&w=400&sz=16&hl=en&start=5&sig2=sAtItKu2eg1cDGecdRsm3g&um=1&tbnid=7mnlKLnMungJ9M:&tbnh=124&tbnw=124&ei=FCGfSYaAC4_aNMyptMoL&prev=/images%3Fq%3Dautoclave%26um%3D1%26hl%3Den%26rlz%3D 1T4GGLL_enCA314CA314%26sa%3DN)

The second one on there looks identical to what he has.

02-20-09, 03:37 PM
Thats good for you to know then. Feel safer yet LOL Mark

02-20-09, 05:51 PM
thought I would mention most restaurants use those steamers or ones like it for cleaning there dishes.

I have worked in a few kitchens, even one time as a Hydro Technician (AKA dishwasher) and I don't think I've seen a 'steamer' used to clean the dishes. What I've used is a cube or rectangular steel box that I slide a tray full of dishes into. I shut doors on both ends and the dishes are cleaned similar to that of a dishwasher. These work much faster and use very hot water. There was this one place that we had to tape the tips of our fingers because the dishes came out so hot that they'd burn us otherwise. That was a machine used in a convention centre though so it had to be huge and wash a lot of dishes fast.

02-20-09, 07:27 PM
hmm we have both at the prison one with sliding doors to wash and a steamer to sterilize.

02-22-09, 11:13 PM
i love the tramp stamps :)

02-23-09, 05:50 AM
i love the tramp stamps :)

"Tattoo on the lower back. Might as well be a bullseye."

02-23-09, 09:06 AM
"Tattoo on the lower back. Might as well be a bullseye."

I dont know if you meant that the way i took it but that put me about on the floor laughing here at work.

I have mixed feelings about tramp stamps. some girls it can look really sexy on but some it actually makes them look uglier or unattractive

02-23-09, 12:56 PM
Most girls don't appreciate the term much but thats what they are called in the "industry". Better than the other term often applied to them "Ho Tags" as my Hair Stylist refers to them as LOL Mark

02-23-09, 01:16 PM
I dunno the girls i know that have them call them tramp stamps but i guess they are kinda that way so it fits. I don't associate with them for that reason...

02-23-09, 05:55 PM
You could take my quote in a few different ways ;) I suspect you took it in the more literal way.

02-23-09, 10:17 PM
Ya i took it the dirty way that is more inappropriate...the guy i was working with laughed his *** off too when i showed him the post. then a really big girl with a tramp stamp walked through the store we work in and he just looked at me and said, "that is one hell of a bullseye".

02-24-09, 12:07 PM
I've actually never heard them been called that. It is pretty offensive but I suppose as long as I don't think that way about myself then who cares right. Seemed like a good place to get it...it was either that or my stomache and 2 kids later I'm not that fond of my stomache...lol.

02-24-09, 02:14 PM
Ya they don't make a point of mentioning what folks refer to tats in that location as when you are getting them eh.
Aren't all tattoed girls just trashy though?
I jest! I jest! Tattooed girls rule! Mark

02-24-09, 04:08 PM
What really needs to be pointed out is that Mark has a hair stylist ;)

02-24-09, 04:14 PM
What really needs to be pointed out is that Mark has a hair stylist ;)

Yep & shes a tattoed hottie too :) I get a little trim twice a year (prior Xmas & Easter dinners) to keep up my respectable appearance LOL I get the ends trimmed & the undercut shaved & thats pretty much it. For those that don't know I'm a long hair for like over 20 years. My bangs are like 2 ft long or so. :p Mark

02-24-09, 04:34 PM
Oh so you rock the mullet?

02-24-09, 04:41 PM
Nope no mullet, been there done that. Bangs/sides etc. all around 2 feet long not 2 inches on top/sides LOL Mark
P.S. mullets better than skullet LOL
edit - undercuts the back of the neck so I don't have a huge knot there everyday like it is if it is 2 ft long

02-24-09, 04:43 PM
Well I give you credit for having the patience to grow and keep and care for your hair with it being so long. I have to keep mine short for work, besides I'd look foolish with it long.

02-24-09, 04:44 PM
2 words "pony tail" or is that 1 word LOL Mark

02-25-09, 10:14 AM
I keep mine short for work and cuz im not patient enough to grow it out. i've always wanted to see how i would look with long hair. it think it would look bad.