View Full Version : Reproductive system

02-12-09, 07:38 PM
Hi all,

For my biology project I need to research and present the reproductive system of two organisms in the kingdom animalia but they need to be from a different phyla.
I chose the royal python (because I have one) and a giant milipede (because i think they're cool) {and they both fit the guidelines}.

I need to use diagrams and a few paragraphs to explain the reprodcutive system.

I am having a difficult time finding good diagrams/photos for any of this! I can't find pictures/diagrams of the male and female reproductive system for the royal python or the giant milipede. I was wondering if anybody could help me find some good sources.

I tried google images but I mostly got human anatomy. I found a few pictures of the snake anatomy but they weren't specific to the reproductive system and I couldn't find information (outside of wiki) that explained how the male/female systems work.

Any help is greatly appreciated.
Thanks so much!
Kenny :)

02-12-09, 10:43 PM
Kenny, you picked tough ones from what I can see. I just went through the biggest scientific database my university offers & didn't find much except for two very technical articles on a male Virginia millipede and male pythons of various species.

I saved the articles to my computer, but I can't post them here because that would violate my contract with my university (broad distribution). I'll try pm. If that doesn't work, we'll figure out something else. And I'll check with a friend in the Zoo Dept here about texts that you might request/check out from a library.

02-12-09, 10:49 PM
Two books that might have info for the python, but I don't know for sure:

Pythons of the world. Volume II. Ball pythons: the history, natural history, care and breeding.
Author(s): Barker, David G.; Barker, Tracy M.; Barker, David G., et al.
Source: Pythons of the world. Volume II. Ball pythons: the history, natural history, care and breeding. Pages: i-xv, 1-320 Published: 2006

Title: [Python regius the royal python.]
Author(s): Koelpin, Thomas; Koelpin, Thomas
Source: Pages: 1-94 Published: 2002

02-13-09, 08:23 AM
I could see the millipede being especially hard to get info on. Good luck!

02-13-09, 04:45 PM
Hi (http://www.ssnakess.com/forums/newreply.php?do=newreply&noquote=1&p=545575)
Thanks so much everybody!!!