View Full Version : i have a few questions about ball`s

01-10-09, 11:51 PM
i just got my ball but i have notice that he has blue in him is that a bad thing

01-11-09, 12:32 AM
youll have to explain blue a bit better his eyes or?

01-11-09, 12:34 AM
its on his body an head

01-11-09, 12:50 AM
kinda looks like oil in water? when lights shines on his skin?? he prolly just shed and looks good. i dont think its anything to worry about. post a pic to be sure

01-11-09, 12:52 AM
http://http://www.ssnakess.com/forums/picture.php?albumid=27&pictureid=76 im not sure if u can see it i can becuz i know where they are

01-11-09, 09:35 AM
Can you describe this in more detail? Also, is your BP a normal or what? The morph can make a difference.

Sometimes when a snake is getting ready to shed, he appears blue, so people will say the snake is "going blue."

Also, if he has really dark areas, those can appear blue from certain angles, especially just after a shed, which is what John is referring to.

01-11-09, 10:26 AM
im not sure how to describe it the guy i got him from said he was a normal

01-11-09, 10:30 AM
Your album isn't showing up, can you post a picture on this thread through photobucket?

01-11-09, 10:32 AM
i tryd that it wont let me an i dont know the site good enough to try anything else

01-11-09, 10:37 AM
My BP sometimes looks like she has blue patches in certain light, it's like, irradecence.

01-11-09, 10:39 AM
i wish it was just in some light ways but its all the time someone said he mite have albino or some where back he mite have black pastal

01-11-09, 10:44 AM
Simple. He's a blue albino black pastel ball python, they're not that rare, they're worth a couple of hundred bucks.

01-11-09, 10:47 AM
ok i was just kinda freakd out i didnt know if it was normal

01-11-09, 10:57 AM
He's a blue albino black pastel ball python

Ahhhh . . that's interesting.

Re the photobucket/pic posting challenge, note that there are three ways to use pics you've uploaded to photobucket. You need to pick the one that allows you to paste the link into a forum. It's a little challenging the first time--I know! Good luck!

01-11-09, 10:59 AM
im hopein he is something like that he would look sweet to breed when he is ready

01-11-09, 11:02 AM
Yes, he would! Good luck with that project; let us know the outcome!

01-11-09, 11:03 AM
oh i will im startin to love this site

01-11-09, 11:06 AM
Oh, geez, tell me about it! I'm addicted to this site!

01-11-09, 11:07 AM
and I'm going to sign off now! See you later!

01-11-09, 11:07 AM
i hear yea im always here even if i have nothing to talk about but the hard part is keepin my snake quite im not allowd them where i live so hopefully i stay out of trouble

01-11-09, 11:51 AM
Where do you live? I'm also pretty positive that it's a normal.

For picture posting from photobucket, what you have to do is open up your album. Below the picture there should be a few boxes with headings to the left of them. Click on the box that says IMG code. It will automatically copy the code for you. Come to this site. Press the buttons ctrl+V at the same time in the message box and it will paste the picture here.


01-11-09, 11:53 AM
ontario brantford an i have a few questions if anyone can answer rite away

01-11-09, 05:06 PM
"Simple. He's a blue albino black pastel ball python."
Seriously? Nobody?....

01-11-09, 06:18 PM
lol realllly

01-12-09, 02:02 AM
Mykee... Come on man... you know me better than that. Why would I give away that I've got a few of those about to lay eggs shortly and spoil my money making scheme?! Come on.... I don't have time! People have been e-mailing me telling me they have a load of things they wish to say to you ;)

01-12-09, 08:06 AM
" People have been e-mailing me telling me they have a load of things they wish to say to you "
With what's been going on lately, I would not be in the least bit surprised...

01-12-09, 08:46 AM
I hope you know I am kidding about that...

01-12-09, 10:06 AM
Lots of drama on the other forum.

Anyway, Askook, I'd like to see a picture of your BP, good luck with photobucket. It's pretty simple once you figure it out.

01-12-09, 10:24 AM
id love to show pics but that havent been approved yet

01-12-09, 11:57 AM
Why would I give away that I've got a few of those about to lay eggs shortly and spoil my money making scheme?!

Seriously? Now I really want to see pics!:)

It's beginning to seem that all the really great breeders are way north of me!

01-12-09, 03:03 PM
By the way everyone that's my lovely pinstripe female from our very own Mykee. She was out for cleaning and my friend snapped a shot.

01-12-09, 03:45 PM
She's nice Aaron, how old is she?

01-12-09, 03:48 PM
is it good when a ball wants to eat every 5 to 6 days

01-12-09, 05:00 PM
She's looking good. I forgot the mention that she is het for "cool" ('cause I produced her).

01-12-09, 08:27 PM
Aaron, I was wondering why the black areas were so narrow & thinking pinstripe. She's lovely!

is it good when a ball wants to eat every 5 to 6 days

It's OK. It might be a signal that you need to move up in prey size--give us some details:
BP length & diameter, weight
prey weight/diameter

That'll help us decide whether you're feeding the appropriate prey size.

01-12-09, 08:31 PM
my snake weights 158g an he is on hopper`s but when i got him it was about 2weeks that he eat lastd that could be a reason

01-12-09, 11:03 PM
She's looking good. I forgot the mention that she is het for "cool" ('cause I produced her).

Hahaha! I'll take some of those. ;)

01-13-09, 07:07 AM
Siz, all of the animals I produce are het for cool. It's more a state of mind rather than a visual characteristic.

01-13-09, 07:32 AM
OK, so he's 158 gm--according to one suggestion I've been given, he should be eating 15-16 gm of prey. Maybe a bit more. Others may have other suggestions.

01-13-09, 02:16 PM
Some snakes just may seem more hungry at times. It's ok. If it's every 6 days they loook to be hungry then it's fine, one more day won't hurt it. I would see about switching it to rat pups if you can though.

The pinstripe is going through a shed cycle now so I'll have to snap some pics when she comes out of it. So if she's het for cool then I can totally be called 'Commander Cool'.

01-14-09, 02:43 AM
when i got him it was about 2weeks that he eat lastd

Also, Askook, if he was being fed prey items that were too small, he would be ready to eat more often and/or larger prey.

I don't think we asked--are you feeding mice or rats? If you're feeding mice and you decide to move up to rats, thaw a mouse with a rat to scent the rat with the familiar prey. It can be tricky to persuade a BP to take rats when it's used to mice. I know! I'm still trying to persuade mine! (Though I'm actually giving up for now--I'm just going to feed mice until spring, because the darned BP started losing weight due to his refusal to eat rats!)

01-14-09, 02:45 AM
The pinstripe is going through a shed cycle now so I'll have to snap some pics when she comes out of it. So if she's het for cool then I can totally be called 'Commander Cool'.

So, Commander Cool, when your pinstripe has shed, you're going to post some new pics on another thread? YAY! I look forward to seeing more of that beauty!

01-15-09, 12:37 PM
My Ball had the oil-like coloration also and I got him from a breeder friend of mine and he said it was fairly normal for them to have that color to their heads. Also my ball was about 18 inches long when I switched it to Rat Hoppers she was happy to eat them but i had to rub the mice she was used to eating on it prior to her eating the rat. also my ball would only eat live rats, the live rodents seemed to make my ball more willing to eat. I fed mine every saturday and she was very healthy according to the vet. I had her for 6 months and then I got a rat from complete petsmart instead of from my breeder and that was a huge mistake!!!!!! the rat had contracted some disease from the rat and died on christmas morning a couple weeks ago. my breeder informed me along with my vet that the mice/rats from the local retail chains are often not kept in good conditions when they are bread and have a tendency to contract diseases. so i would defiantly recommned to everyone they contact a breeder get their mice that way. if you don't have access to one i have a really good friend that works out of his house he has the best prices in Cincinnati, OH and will ship stuff at a great price. also has some amazing animals!!!!!!! I just got a Brazilian Rainbow from him and she is very very very pretty!!!!

01-16-09, 04:01 PM
I am not sure if any mammal can pass a disease onto a reptile. The bodies don't work the same.

I can be wrong though.

01-16-09, 04:22 PM
I don't know either. Possibly a parasite that goes through more than one host? I think most parasites stay with the same broad type of host--all mammalian hosts, or all reptile hosts, etc. But I could be wrong, too. The other possibility is a virus, I suppose. I just don't know enough about this.

And I'm supposed to be working instead of playing, so someone else will have to figure it out! :crazy2:

01-16-09, 07:36 PM
Well the vet is the guy that told me that is what happened I didn't think that the mouse could pass on a disease either but I don't know. I really don't like my vet so I don't think I will be going back to him anytime soon. I think my snake was sick when I took it to the vet and he said everything was fine but oh well it happens I guess it just sucked to loose my snake.

01-16-09, 07:37 PM
there are parasties that are specific to a certain type of living thing but there are also parasites that can transfer from one to the other.

01-16-09, 08:32 PM
there are parasties that are specific to a certain type of living thing but there are also parasites that can transfer from one to the other.

Well, that's what I was trying to remember. Like the heartworm. Of course. So what parasite would have a mammalian (rodent) host then be able to attack a reptilian host?

01-18-09, 03:30 PM
There are no diseases that would kill a snake from a rat to snake transfer. Your vet, like most, is an idiot.

01-18-09, 10:48 PM
Ahhh. Thanks, Michael. I couldn't find anything when I searched, but I didn't know for sure. It's nice to have confirmation.

St3v3n on my Eating Again thread has a question about interspecies breeding that I cannot answer definitively--maybe you can?

01-19-09, 10:21 AM
Ya i have come to the conclusion that my vet is most likely an idiot. i called him over the weekend to ask him what the disease was or watever he said the rat transfered, and he said he would call me back when he looked over the records. i wanted to get his exact reason for why my snake died, and he said that from his tests the rat most likely gave my snake the common cold and it died from that. i knew he was full of it, because when i took my snake in right after it died to try and figure out what happened he didn't do any tests he looked at the snake and said that the rat gave him a disease. so i promptly let him know that i knew he was full of it and would tell everyone i know with reptiles never to go to him because he is a complete quack. I've come to the conclusion that when i took my snake to him for a checkup when i got the snake he lied to me when he said that snake seems healthy when i had told him of the odd behavior the snake was displaying. my snake was star-gazing and had some discoloration on the underbelly. he did give my snake a shot but he pulled the shot out before he injected it and it ended up on my snakes skin rather than in my snake. he assured me that the meds got in......i (like an idiot) believed him and took my snake home and it actually got better it seemed but then went downhill fast.....so ya my doc is a complete moron!!!!!

01-19-09, 10:48 AM
Well, find a new one, or don't use one at all! Just buy from a really good breeder.

01-19-09, 11:57 AM
ya my breeder is a pretty good friend of mine but lives about an hour away and the vet was only 5 mins up the road but from now on i'll make the drive.

01-19-09, 04:56 PM
Travelling puts a lot of stress on snakes, the best thing would be to have your friend come to you, if possible.

01-19-09, 07:25 PM
Or these problems are really uncommon with really good breeders I learned the hard way recently only go to and get from well known breeders.

01-19-09, 09:19 PM
After reading all this, I can only think again how lucky I have been! I have a really healthy BP despite having gotten him at a local pet store. Whew!

01-20-09, 12:47 AM
I've gotten ball pythons from pet stores. I've dealt with farmed baby balls.All crammed into the same tanks. A lot die but there's still plenty that survive and do well with PROPER conditions.

01-20-09, 04:10 PM
What Aaron said. I've owned hundreds and hundreds of balls over the last ten years and never had to go to the vet but once and he did NOTHING to help me. If you keep your animals with proper husbandry and use some common sense along the way, you'll never have to visit a vet. EVER.

01-20-09, 08:20 PM
Think I'll stick with you guys to ensure I maintain a good level of common sense!

01-21-09, 12:40 PM
Just as a side note, what I meant with ball pythons crammed into the same tanks I didn't mean at my own residence. I meant the pet stores I worked at. We kept more than a couple per tank.

01-22-09, 10:25 AM
what I meant with ball pythons crammed into the same tanks I didn't mean at my own residence. I meant the pet stores I worked at.

That's what I understood--I've seen it myself. Several babies all crammed into a tiny tank . . . and they get handled a LOT, poor things.

I've learned a lot from you!

01-22-09, 10:54 AM
Well thank you.

I just wanted to clarify in case someone thought I abused my little girls.

01-22-09, 11:21 AM
Haha, don't worry Aaron, we know you know better. ;)

01-22-09, 12:56 PM
I was up at my local pet store and they had over 20 baby corns in the same tank that was probably only 12"Lx8"W. I feel bad for anyone that buys any of those snakes. Heck i feel bad for the snakes.

01-23-09, 10:11 AM
don't worry Aaron, we know you know better.


Heck i feel bad for the snakes.


dexter 1988
01-28-09, 06:34 PM
i just got my ball but i have notice that he has blue in him is that a bad thing

your snake just shed like may ball