View Full Version : humidity

01-02-09, 11:32 AM
what do u all keep ur humidity at i keep hearing different things like 65%to70%.then 50% to60% and then some say 70 %at a shed others say 99%.i hav mine at 50% but could get it up more if need be

01-02-09, 01:39 PM
its different for every different kind of snake. ball pythons dont need a high humidity level but 40%+ should be fine. too wet and it can cause problems for them. during shedding mist a few times a day to bump up the humidity and make the shed come off easier.

01-02-09, 05:19 PM
For a ball python, the humidity generally needs to be about 50-60%. When the snake begins to get dull looking, it is entering a shed cycle and a little higher humidity, say 65-70%, is appropriate in order to prevent an incomplete (stuck) shed.

If you notice your snake soaking in its water bowl frequently, consider two possible causes--either the humidity is not high enough, or the snake has mites. You can get a decent hygrometer at your pet store in order to keep track of the humidity.

01-03-09, 01:08 PM
yeah i have one of them things with a temp on it to

01-03-09, 06:09 PM
hygrometers are great to help with knowing what your humidity may be but even digital ones are not always completely accurate. your best way of knowing that the humidity is fine is when your snake consistently has perfect sheds. once in a while a snake may have a bad shed even if the humidity is good but if the majority of its sheds are coming off in one piece then its safe to say that your humidity is fine.

01-06-09, 07:55 PM
Hi there!
Humidity depends on the type of snake. If you don't think that the advice in this conversation is helping you could try looking it up on the internet or buying a book about your specific breed of snake. You'll definitly want to invest in a hygrometer, it makes life so much easier.

01-06-09, 09:46 PM
Humidity depends on the type of snake.

Phil just bought a BP, so that's why I posted the info I did--it's appropriate for a BP.


01-07-09, 11:53 AM
wolfus 305 yeah i do have a hygrometer and if u read the question u could see that i did my research and was just asking a question about what people keep there humidity at

01-07-09, 03:46 PM
I am not trying to offend you or tell you that you are wrong!!!
This forum allows people with different opinions, techniques, and learning strategies to communicate. I am not trying to bother you! I simply stated my opinon. What I wrote above was my advice. You need to decide whether or not to take it and learn from it. Other people said the same thing that I did and you don't seem to have a problem with their responses.

02-02-09, 08:14 PM
For a ball python, the humidity generally needs to be about 50-60%. When the snake begins to get dull looking, it is entering a shed cycle and a little higher humidity, say 65-70%, is appropriate in order to prevent an incomplete (stuck) shed.

If you notice your snake soaking in its water bowl frequently, consider two possible causes--either the humidity is not high enough, or the snake has mites. You can get a decent hygrometer at your pet store in order to keep track of the humidity.

Tooo funny

2 very opposite opinions posted, one says 40 is fine, one says 60 is fine.

Me, My 3 cages stay between 30-45 , 45 in summer 30 in winter.

Some one said a good way to know if humidity is fine is their shed.

I keep in all 3 cages, tupperwares with a big hole in the bottom side, Spangram(sp) moss, moistened, the humidity in that hide is in the 70-80 range.

So they chill in a lower then normal humidity, however can retreat to much higher levels if they like.

I get probably 80% perfect sheds, 10% a small/few scales left
however twice I found impartial sheds, I think I let the moss dry out :(

My 2 cents

02-03-09, 11:21 AM
40% humidity is not fine. Try for around 60% all the time and 100% during a shed cycle.
Anything less than 100% perfect sheds and your husbadry is wrong. Simple.

dexter 1988
02-04-09, 02:19 AM
100% humidity during shed is way way 2 high man more like 50% when your bp is not in

shed 70%to 80% when they are in shed you might not even half to go that high some

pepol i know with bp keep it at 50% humidity all year ME i have it at 50% when she not

in shed 70% when she is in shed and SHE SHEDS PERFECT ALL THE TIME O MYKEE MAKING


02-04-09, 10:16 AM
um..dexter..to be blunt, Mykee probably knows a hell of a lot more about ball pythons than you do..
Not trying to be rude or anything but Mykee isn't the person to be preaching to.

02-04-09, 10:57 AM
I get probably 80% perfect sheds, 10% a small/few scales left
however twice I found impartial sheds,

I keep my humidity at 60%; my snake always has complete sheds.

I have to admit I don't try for 100% humidity during a shed; I aim for 75-80% ambient plus damp sphagnum moss in one of the hides for an extra-humid hiding spot. If I see my BP soaking in his water bowl during the day, I double-check humidity & raise it a little. He usually spends most of his shed time in the damp hide, and even without 100% ambient humidity, he always has complete sheds. The day he's not in the damp hide anymore, I look and sure enough, there's the shed.

dexter 1988
02-04-09, 02:17 PM
um..dexter..to be blunt, Mykee probably knows a hell of a lot more about ball pythons than you do..
Not trying to be rude or anything but Mykee isn't the person to be preaching to.

i'm just saying 100% during shed is way to high u hear story's all the time of bp getting all kinds of problomes in humidity that high.

02-04-09, 06:04 PM

thats a new one to me...

dexter 1988
02-04-09, 08:42 PM
thats a new one to me...

i readed it in 2 bp books and on the internet some pepol on ball python .net forum told me too. but ever one has things that work for them

02-04-09, 08:59 PM
100% humidity is fine for the few days DURING shed, not the week-long blue period, the shed. I've been doing this long enough to post my experiences and they are that 100% humidity always produces 100% full, healthy sheds. In 2008 alone, I oversaw well over 1500 (yes 1500 sheds), and not a single one left any retained skin.

02-05-09, 10:19 PM
1500 (yes 1500 sheds), and not a single one left any retained skin.

Well, I can't come anywhere close to competing with that. So I will take your word for it and increase my humidity more when my BP goes into the shed cycle. I've been increasing it during that time, just not quite that much. ;)