View Full Version : seperated

12-24-08, 02:30 PM
i have now finished the second setup for my 2 ball's...they were fine and everyone is happy and healthy..just lettin you all know...now i have to build shelves for all my tanks...more snakes to come...

12-25-08, 07:25 PM
Geez, not fair . . . you're having sooo much fun! Wish I could come see!

12-25-08, 11:20 PM
yea....i'm kinda building a collection...my wife said after the 2 ball's that i couldn't get any more reptiles for 6 months....killin me...but a tank here and there and another over here is takin up way to much room in the 1 room i have..i need a a shelving system for space and display...already drawn up the prints...gonna fit 4 snakes with the middle reserved for "the big one" when my wife agrees...the gator and iguana are already taken care of...it is fun..you are correct...

12-26-08, 09:05 AM

Ah, well. I'll just enjoy what little I have for now--until I refigure some of my own space! ;-)

This BP just shed night before last & today is hanging out above the water bowl--or should I say water hole? He's obviously waiting for some little furry creature to come down to the ole water hole for a drink!

Tonight grandkids will enjoy helping feed him.

12-27-08, 07:19 PM
i bet...it's a very good thing having a snake that is a great eater...my king snake is a great eater...don't know what i would do if it ever stopped...looking for a set of probes to find out exactly what sex it is....difficult to tell...don't wanna order online till i need alot of stuff cause of the shipping...need to find local..

12-27-08, 07:22 PM
Haven't fed my 2 new balls yet...the male is steadily active...i think he would eat...but the female looks depressed and doesn't move much...but she's warm n friendly...my gator keeps tryin to dig it's way out of it's tank..not sure why...but seems to be tryin to rearange..hmmmm.....

12-28-08, 10:17 AM
Will you post some pictures of your gator and iguana and their enclosure? I'm curious to see what your setups look like.