View Full Version : Aggressive new ball python

12-22-08, 10:13 PM
I recently baught a second pastel as a mate for my original and it seems to be somewhat aggressive. He's always in a strike position and constantly striking at people he sees moving around him though he hasnt at me yet he is still in the position to. He doesnt ball up at all but just seems tense at any point in time around anyone but its only been 2 days. Should i just continue handling him minimally till he gets used to it or is he just going to be leery in general at this rate? He was born in july and wasn't held by anyone regularly till the day i got him so i think hes just scared of the new experience. Any advice?

12-22-08, 11:25 PM
well you shouldnt handle him at least for the first week. after that, if he eats for you and then continues to eat the following weeks, then regular handling shouldnt be an issue. i would think he will calm down with time so its best to be patient.

12-23-08, 09:22 AM
My ball has an issue with being aggressive only while in the tank when i got him i left him alone for about 2 weeks to allow him to get acclamated to his new surroundings id really try to not handle him for a while and even better cover his tank or whatever you have him in i did this and it really helped with my ball

12-23-08, 10:20 AM
As Julian and jyjy103 said, don't handle him at all for a couple of weeks. In addition, make sure he has a good hide so he can begin to feel more secure. Is he in his own tank?

12-23-08, 06:18 PM
What do you mean by "as a mate"? Does that mean you keep them in the same enclosure? If you, I'm frankly getting sick and tired of explaining simple rudamantary husbandry that EVERY ball python owner should know, so you'll have to get advice from someone else. If that's not the case, I'll do what I can to help.

12-23-08, 06:39 PM
I think as everyone else said, don't touch it. It's been 2 days! You're already handling it? Leave it alone for WEEKS! Until it's feeding on a regular basis.

12-23-08, 10:27 PM
Well he was only handled to be taken to and put in his enclosure then once taken out to put some new equipment in. Other than that i haven't handled him since and also hes in his own tank of course and also i did move him to the quietest calmest room in the house hoping that might help too. Schedualed feeding should be this sat so i'll hope for the best. I know better than to put my snakes together right now so thats not the issue, i just wanted any advice to calm him down but i think im doing the right thing at this point. I guess i'll just play wait and see at this point.

12-24-08, 03:31 AM
Sounds good, Kuroi. It just takes time; I know it's hard to wait! Someday this will be me trying this, so I'm lucky--I'm learning through your experience!

12-26-08, 03:22 AM
Thought I would mention they dont always get nicer, usually, not always. I have a 6 year old that never did. I wont ad to above mentioned advice as thats all that can or should be done. But I wouldnt get upset if he doesnt get much nicer. On the lighter side Alien my grouch only hisses when I get him out now, instead of fake balling up and biting me from underneath his coil:)

12-26-08, 11:03 AM
On the lighter side Alien my grouch only hisses when I get him out now, instead of fake balling up and biting me from underneath his coil:)

thats hilarious! :laugh:

12-26-08, 06:00 PM
ROFL!!! I love the image of the balled up python biting you underneath . . .!

12-26-08, 06:30 PM
LMAO thats awsome.... Pretty beastly of him XD. Well i've kept an eye on him and just looking at him he isnt striking at people moving around the room from inside his enclosure anymore so i take that as a good sign (in high hopes XD) i also found out both of my pastels are from the graziani line from the breeder so i'm happy about that =] so even his finicky attitude cant get me down for the price i payed XDDDD. My next goal is to get my hands on a male cinnamon fro their line to make some awsome pewters in the future (i hope lol).

12-26-08, 06:33 PM
he isnt striking at people moving around the room from inside his enclosure anymore

He's feeling less defensive then--GOOD! ;-)

You have some exciting times ahead with your breeding plans! Photos?

12-26-08, 06:50 PM
You have some exciting times ahead with your breeding plans! Photos?

Yea as soon as His ten days is up i'll try seeing if he's calm enough to sit for some photos. Right now my collections small but there's room for aggressive expansion ;). My collection right now is 3 pastels (one was a rescue, not too bright but sweet), and a spider ball. By this summer it should grow a good size since my friend is breeding a few yellowbellies that i'll be buying off him and maybe a female spider and some hets. =D I'll get some pics as soon as i can!

12-26-08, 10:58 PM
Well tonight was feeding night and my male actually ate but after downing the tail saw my face peek to see if he was finished to move him back to his enclosure and struck at me 2 feet up XD. I understand he still needs time but it's good news that he's eating and aggression (while still there) is going down slowly. Hopefully in a week or so he can be out and calm(er) around people or longer. We'll just see how he does =] I'll check him again next feeding.

12-27-08, 02:21 PM
after downing the tail saw my face peek to see if he was finished to move him back to his enclosure and struck at me 2 feet up XD.


Can you either leave him in the feeding enclosure for several hours or feed him in the main enclosure so you don't have to move him immediately?

I'm glad that he at least ate!

12-29-08, 11:03 AM
Oh he was left for a good amount of time and that was the only mishap luckily. Actually i can tell right now he's doing very well and has calmed down a great lot. I'll give him a few more weeks before i try handling him for any reason but i might try taking a few pictures soon =]

12-29-08, 01:08 PM
I'll give him a few more weeks before i try handling him

Perhaps you can work up to handling gradually--first get him used to you messing around his habitat and gradually (over a period of a couple of weeks) get closer and closer to him. When you get ready to pick him up, approach him very slowly so he is less likely to spook.

Good luck! I'm glad that he's already calmed down a lot!