View Full Version : need a bit of help deciding
12-17-08, 10:41 AM
i have a 3foot by 4 foot by 2 foot high cage .i am wondering what snake to get i have a creamsicle corn and i am looking for something bigerand that wraps around my arm and is less adventureus than a corn .like a ball python but these only get to 4 ft i have heard and want something a bit bigger than that .i was looking at dumerils but finding it hard to get one .any ideas would be help full some pics to .my mom went to a pet store 2day just to see what was in it .she was talking to a young girl who works in the shop and told her about me looking at dumerils .this girl must not no anything about dumerils because she printed out 2 a4 sheets saying stuff like ,do you want a 10 foot boa that weighs over 50 pounds a 2 year old boa at 8 foot and and forty pounds and can break ur wrist .she also gave my mom names of snakes that i should look at this gets really funny now .boa constrictor ,Colombian rainbow boa ,viper boa and Waite for it a African rock python ha ha. i mom said i was looking at red tails and the girl said not to buy one because there dangerous are these not the same as the boa constrictor she told me to look at .and she said dumeril are nippy and can do allot of damage when older this might be true but then again she did tell me to look at African rock pythons .she said dumeril were good as pets ,what do us think about that .what would you say to look into .is that cage a bit big for a ball python
12-17-08, 01:23 PM
the girl at the pet store obviously doesnt know anything. any type of snake could be gentle or agressive it depends how it was raised and handled cared for etc. and some are just nasty from the start.
i have boas that are gentle as can be that are over 6 feet long.
that cage is not too big for a ball python. its about perfect size for an adult ball.
DONT get an african rock python. red tailed boas or any other boas are my favourite type of snake. i like that they are easy to care for and that they get rather large. ( 10 feet or under) my biggest boas are 6 & 7 feet long and they are in 4'x2'x16" enclosures.
they must be happy, i seen them locked up last night after only being together for a few days. there is smaller boas you can get like hogg island boas, which are very pretty and dont get much more than 6 feet. and would fit in that enclosure fine. if you get anything over 6 feet you should never handle it alone.
there is risk of attack from ANY snake, and no matter what you have from corn to burmese or ARP or retic you should always do research and provide the best care and environment for your pet. heat and humidity issues can lead to stress and infections which make snakes angry... great care should be taken with any pet you get. any snake can be nippy, especially young ones that were just hatched or have not been handled much yet. if you dont want to get bit then you probably should not have snakes to begin with. ANY snake could just decide to bite you.
12-17-08, 04:43 PM
ya the girl seems a little bit mixed up but keep researching the snakes you like and im sure you'll find something nice for yourself. dumerils boas are great and your enclosure seems like a perfect size for one. i have a few dumerils and they are amazing. as was said above any snake can be agressive but all my dumerils are very docile and many of them generally are.
one thing i would suggest is that if you are going to start with a hatchling or juvenile snake, it would benefit you to first keep it in something smaller then the enclosure that you already have. it will make raising it up much easier for you and the snake and you can transfer it to the full size enclosure when it grows older and bigger.
12-18-08, 10:54 AM
Based on what multiple people have said in other threads, getting a snake at a pet store is the least desirable way to go, as the animals are often improperly cared for (I know this from my own experience!). Watch for reptile shows in your area, find out who the reputable breeders are in your area.
If your mom is thinking about getting you a snake for Christmas, maybe she could give you a "coupon good for one trip to a reptile show/breeder and one snake" kind of thing? I know, you'd have to wait--but you'll end up with a much healthier animal. If mom could make the trip with you, she'd get much better info and feel more secure about the snake you choose, too.
And tell your mom she's pretty cool--I know lots of moms who freak at the idea of their children having a snake! ;-)
12-18-08, 01:11 PM
alrite city snake what temp do have in ur tank and what you use for substrat .
12-18-08, 02:56 PM
tha rock python would try to eat u there mean mofoz
12-18-08, 02:59 PM
i no they didnt have a clue .there a nice looking snake tho
12-18-08, 11:23 PM
alrite city snake what temp do have in ur tank and what you use for substrat .
for dumerils i have an ambient temperature of 78-80 with a basking spot of 88-90.
12-21-08, 01:25 PM
how big are yours now and what are you feeding them .what will u feed them when fully grown
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