View Full Version : just curious

12-14-08, 09:07 PM
:Wow: I am a new member and i have a ball python and i am curious if u can put a red tail with a ball python?

12-15-08, 04:09 AM
Never a good idea to put one snake with another. As someone mentioned on another thread, there's a strong possibility you'll wake up to find you have only one snake.:eek: Welcome to the forum! It's definitely a place to learn lots of great info!

12-15-08, 01:03 PM

12-15-08, 01:07 PM
balls and red tails are solitary animals from opposite ends of the world with different husbandry requirements. there are many reasons why you should not house multiple snakes in a single enclosure. even housing multiple snakes of the same species can have negative consequences. except for breeding purposes, snakes should only be housed indiviually.

hope this helps.

12-15-08, 06:02 PM
I will disagree with the red tails being solitary. Two males together is certainly a bad bad idea, but my 1.1 adults are together trying to "get busy" and they seem very social toward each other. They are always laying together, never apart, and there's plenty of space for them. It's like they're bff's and get lonely without constant contact.

Two balls of any sort are an absolute no unless you're breeding. Balls get stressed pretty easily and they don't care for company.

12-15-08, 07:25 PM
you can anthropomorphize about your red tails all day but i wouldnt permenently house em together.

i would hope that youre pairing them only for breeding and have seperate enclosures to house each of them individually when your not breeding.

12-15-08, 08:27 PM
I second Julian's statements.

Snakes don't cuddle together. If you only have one hot spot, then they'll both NEED to use it. If one or the other is around, well then it "looks" like their cuddling because they're both trying to use the same hot spot, or hide box. It has nothing to do with companionship, everything to do with survival.

12-15-08, 09:03 PM
"I will disagree with the red tails being solitary. Two males together is certainly a bad bad idea, but my 1.1 adults are together trying to "get busy" and they seem very social toward each other."
It's mating season, and they're horny. It's the ONLY reason your animals are "social". Period.

12-16-08, 10:25 AM
"Two balls of any sort are an absolute no unless you're breeding. Balls get stressed pretty easily and they don't care for company. "
Neither do boas by the way.....

12-16-08, 10:52 AM
Haha, all the people just waiting for someone to jump on.


Maybe it is anthropomorphism, but there's plenty of space, they're not constantly mating, but they're always together.

And as for my housing arrangements, I know my set up kicks ***, take your judgments and stick them in yourear.

12-16-08, 01:39 PM
hey Erik i dont think anybody has judged you here...

people think that when two snakes "cuddle up" that they are "in love" and its "cute". when snakes "cuddle up", unless you are seeing lock ups, could very possibly be the two snakes competing for the best spot in the cage with one always being the more dominant one even during the "breeding season". obviously this will cause a considerable amount of stress for each snake which can quickly catch up with them if the stressful conditions are prolonged.

and this is not a judgement, its a fact: no matter how kick a$$ you feel your housing arrangement is for your animals, if multiple snakes are being housed in that arrangement then it really sucks a$$.

but good luck with your breeding this year!;)

12-17-08, 05:34 PM
"and this is not a judgement, its a fact: no matter how kick a$$ you feel your housing arrangement is for your animals, if multiple snakes are being housed in that arrangement then it really sucks a$$."

Julian! You ROCK!
Could not have said it better myself.

12-17-08, 05:43 PM
haha Mike im glad to have finally done some good!

12-17-08, 10:09 PM
oh my god this is the same guy from before, this should be locked. get a life.!