View Full Version : My project two years from now

11-17-08, 03:27 PM

She's an early '07 kahl, already almost 4' but she's got to girth up a bit, still got that lanky yearling look. Maybe that's because she's a yearling still.


Her 100% het kahl BF has a lot of red and deep orange spots, you can kind of see some on his face here. He is also a big early '07 and is unrelated.

Can't wait for their first litter.

11-18-08, 08:03 AM
Oh, wow. Did you just get them? That litter is going to be very interesting--definitely something to look forward to!

11-18-08, 10:42 AM
I've had them about two months now. She's aggressive and hissy and bitey pretty severely. I'm trying to work with her so that when she's 9'+ I don't have an unworkable monster on my hands.

I'll get more shots of the male's body, he is super orange and red.

11-19-08, 09:02 AM
I look forward to seeing them--he looks gorgeous. I hope you can get her at least somewhat calmed down & used to being handled. Two years to wait, you said? *sigh*

11-19-08, 03:50 PM
I look forward to seeing them--he looks gorgeous. I hope you can get her at least somewhat calmed down & used to being handled. Two years to wait, you said? *sigh*

i think he ment he was waiting 2 years till they were mature enough to breed and then was going to breed them..beautiful snakes btw..good luck with the project..

11-19-08, 08:47 PM
very nice! i wish you luck and hope that they are willing to follow your plans!:)

11-20-08, 07:48 AM
i think he ment he was waiting 2 years till they were mature enough to breed

Yep, that's what he meant. When I said, Two years to wait, you said? *sigh* I was just expressing my sadness that it has to be such a loooong wait.

However, I'll be the outcome will make the wait well worthwhile! And I'm sure that PDXErik knows enough about snakes to ensure that they are willing to comply with his breeding plans.

BTW, Erik, my middle son--the one who caught/kept venomous snakes--lives in your neck of the country now (Portland).

11-20-08, 09:25 AM
haha Lady, it doesnt matter how much knowledge a keeper posesses about snakes because in the end its all up to the snakes to get the job done, not the keeper.

and im sure Erik knows that as well.;)

11-20-08, 11:08 AM
Heahha, yeah, I can only do so much.

I have two adult bci's that I've introduced and they look more like Felix Unger and Oscar Madison than John Holmes and Jenna Jameson.

I've now shortened their day by 10 minutes and I dropped the ambient temperature by 2 degrees hoping that they'll start to figure out what season it is.

Barry White and playboys come next and if that doesn't work, we'll just try again next season.

Two years is a wait, but I can't afford an adult albino and a 100% het. I have more time than money, so there you go.

Thanks for your votes of confidence!!

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