View Full Version : Taiwanese Beauty

11-15-08, 01:33 PM
HI All!

I'm new to the forum and to the snake hobby so you can imagine i'm fairly excited about my first snake. It's a Taiwanese Beauty, roughly 50" long. It's very calm and i handle it regularly and it's always a great eater but i was never told how often it should be fed. I've been feeding it one medium rat every wednesday. Should i feed it more often or is once a week a decent meal?


11-16-08, 10:25 AM
Welcome. Once a week is good. Do you have any pictures? I have seven corn snakes.

11-16-08, 12:01 PM
I've been posting some pictures in my albums, i'm pretty excited about this snake. I never expected it to be so calm when being handled. All the people i talked to say that these snakes aren't much for handling, guess they were wrong... Thanks for the reply.