View Full Version : Baby Sand Boa won't Eat

10-16-08, 12:02 AM
Hi I have had my KSB for 3 Weeks now and it will still not eat, I have done the container, dark, heat I am at my wits end. Its on Aspen shaving any suggestions?:no:

10-16-08, 12:25 AM
Three weeks isn't too bad. Aspen shavings might be.

It's a SAND boa? Maybe you should look into sand.

The sorry, I mean TEH bobm idea is to get the yellow pages out (or google) and find a good herp shop near by. If they're worth their salt, they can tell you how you should be keeping it, what you should feed it, and the conditions it should be kept in. (they will be happy to sell you frozen rodents down the line).

If a snake isn't eating, it is either because it doesn't like it's conditions, or it is sick. It probably doesn't like it's conditions.

And don't worry about the 3 weeks. Start worrying after 6 months.

10-16-08, 10:05 PM
Aspen is better than sand for sand boas.......even though they are sand boas:rolleyes:.

I too wouldn't worry yet. Leave him alone for a while and then try again.

10-16-08, 10:21 PM
Aspen shavings work well for sand boas. Just got to keep an eye out for mildew or anything if it gets too wet, which it shouldn't due to the species of the snake! Wait it out. Give us the temps of the enclosure, and just don't touch the snake until it eats.

10-16-08, 11:58 PM
I forgot to mention he is only 11 weeks old now, he was eight weeks when I got him and he had eaten twice.
He is a Kenyan Sand Boa

10-21-08, 02:32 PM
hey, i know when i feed my KSB i get frozen fuzzies from a pet store.. go home heat them in HOT water for 1o min, dump the water, and thow them out again for 10 min in HOT water, dont boil them. after that i dry off the fuzzies and i just either drop it in her feeding box or i hold it in front of her face and she takes it. um.. im new to the forum and new to this stuff but thats what i do and she eats gREAT! lol hope this helped.

11-14-08, 05:44 PM
Any other suggestions

11-14-08, 11:56 PM
PDXErik, why go to a pet store and ask 8 dollar an hour employees how to do something that they most likely know nothing about when you can either do your own research or like the OP is doing, ask on a forum with lots of experienced snake keepers?:rolleyes:

anyways WJBray, why dont you describe your setup to us a little bit? maybe you could improve somewhere in your husbandry that may cause your KSB to eat? what are your temps like??

11-15-08, 01:05 AM
Aspen bedding, temps on warm side 88-90 cool side 78-82. Red heat light and under tank heater. Two hides and a small fake plant to climb on.
Like I said I have tried everything, he has eaten twice and both live pinkies, just finished a shed. If I have missed anything please ask. I would like to get him on F/T pinkies has its hard to get live and only on one day of the week. Any suggestions greatly appreciated.

12-11-08, 08:28 PM
Well i have been breeding KSB for over ten years . i keep mine on sterilized play sand i also feed them on the sand if yours will not eat either try feeding live pink mice at night time i have found this to work best . i have produced over a thousand baby sand boas in the last ten years.when they are babies they do best on sand keep warm at one end .also do not house them in a large enclosure when babies something small works better.

12-12-08, 05:30 PM
PDXErik, why go to a pet store and ask 8 dollar an hour employees how to do something that they most likely know nothing about when you can either do your own research or like the OP is doing, ask on a forum with lots of experienced snake keepers?:rolleyes:

anyways WJBray, why dont you describe your setup to us a little bit? maybe you could improve somewhere in your husbandry that may cause your KSB to eat? what are your temps like??

I was suggesting a good herp store, not a PetCo. The only way I've seen them kept is in sand. If aspen is good, then rock and roll.

And having a direct conversation with someone may bring out other issues they may not be aware of. Forums like these are good, too, far better than anyone employed at a PetSmart, but I still consult my knowledgeable friends at the shop, too. :rollsMYeyes:

12-18-08, 10:49 PM
i just recently got rid of my sand boa but when i had him he was on aspen and only ate once every three weeks dont worry

12-18-08, 10:50 PM
i fed mine F/T small rats in a closed container that i put back in his tank covered him up and left him alone i only ever fed at night hope this helps


12-20-08, 12:28 AM
My desert Rosy boa didn't eat when I first brought him (her?) home. I was worried, but I made some changes in her environment and gave her some time and she finally ate. Now she eats great!! Even the folks at PetCo told me that it would take time for her to get used to new sights, sounds, smells, etc.