View Full Version : I finally have a snake room

10-15-08, 11:48 PM
And to celebrate, I got a kahl albino female and a 100% het male to go with it.

10' x 10' and it is at 72 degrees constantly, backed up by a 5000 watt generator if the need be.

I'm so happy I could pee.

10-16-08, 08:23 AM
What? No pics?...

10-16-08, 10:29 PM
What? No pics?...

Exactly my thoughts.

10-16-08, 11:18 PM
What? No pics?...

It's not quite complete yet, I have another structure to move in.

It's not nearly as cool as some of your's, I'm certain, half of it is storage, but it's freaking great.

Any advice is totally welcome, I don't have any experience with this. It has to be way simpler than I'm used to, though.

Tuesday or Wednesday I'll have pictures :)

10-17-08, 11:45 PM
congrats it can only get better from here.

10-18-08, 03:57 PM
Ok, pictures. My cell phone does its best, but, well, you know.

Not much. A 10'x10' room. I don't have any racks, my guys are pets that are hopefully going to make babies someday.

There are some things I need to improve, the male BCI in the middle of the big structure needs something to climb on and junk. I'm sure there's more I can be doing better, but everybody eats and everybody poops so I figure it's good for now.

There are 1.1 adult BCI in the bottom two enclosures of the big structure (one in each), a 1.0 jcp in the top. To the left of the big structure, there is a 1.0 adult ETB (didn't get into the picture much) and a 1.0 100% het albino BCI yearling. To the left is a 0.1 albino BCI yearling.

If anybody has any ideas, they're welcome. I could be a little more space-efficient but it's good for now.




10-18-08, 04:56 PM
A snake room is a snake room! Most people would be so lucky to be able to have the space to dedicate to their animals! Very well done.

10-21-08, 02:25 PM
Or some people are like me and go "Hmmmm, living room or snake room, bah, who needs to entertain guests" :p

10-21-08, 08:39 PM
Snakes CAN entertain guests

10-21-08, 11:20 PM

10-22-08, 12:28 AM
Snakes CAN entertain guests

Snakes are the best roommates.

They are clear about their feelings. They're quiet.

I pretty much think that that part where you know where you stand with them is the best. I don't know about your's, but mine have pretty clear lines.

10-22-08, 04:08 PM
I don't know a snake without a clear line. They don't like me or care for me.

11-30-08, 09:40 PM
Deej85 said Snakes CAN entertain guests --Absolutely! Some of them get entertained right out of our family room, while others come in for a closer look! Case in point: Thanksgiving Day we had a dozen entertained guests wanting to hold our BP, while at least three entertained guests were heading for a different room.

Such fun!

12-01-08, 09:15 AM
Deej85 said --Absolutely! Some of them get entertained right out of our family room, while others come in for a closer look! Case in point: Thanksgiving Day we had a dozen entertained guests wanting to hold our BP, while at least three entertained guests were heading for a different room.

Such fun!

Hahaha, three slightly less entertained guests I imagine.

12-01-08, 11:44 AM
OK, OK, I concede--they were definitely less entertained! Although one who said she couldn't stand it the first time getting the BP out was brought up later said she was too relaxed to get up and leave--so she stayed and watched.

Maybe I should have said some of the guests were entertained, and some were entertaining . . . ? :)

12-02-08, 03:42 PM
It's interesting to see how people react to snakes when they aren't exactly fans. I've convinced a few friends who are terrified of snakes to hold my BP and most of them have grown to like (or tolerate) her, haha.

12-05-08, 10:37 PM
Ahah! Lucky you! My friends aren't quite at that stage yet. I'm lucky if they get within 5 feet of his enclosure!

12-06-08, 12:42 PM
Ahh. Well, I'm sneakier. My BPs vivarium looks like a giant terrarium except for the hides & water bowl. People will see no animal and sit right in front of it. Then as darkness falls, the BP will emerge and surprise them. So far, even the most ophidiophobic person I've had visiting hasn't run away! At least--not until I take the slithery guy out of the vivarium! ;-)

12-09-08, 09:09 AM
haha, Surprise!

12-10-08, 08:20 AM
haha, Surprise!

Well, not entirely--it's not quite that much fun! I warn them before I get the snake out so they can choose to leave the room if they are really phobic.

Happy Day! Last night was my last--very last!--class! I turned in our final group research paper and now I can do my own thing!! Hooray!

12-10-08, 02:36 PM
I really wish I had a snake room, or at least more room. I have one BP and I want something that's awake in the daytime, too.

12-11-08, 08:31 AM
I have one BP and I want something that's awake in the daytime, too.

Mine tours around during the day, mostly in the evening and morning though.

12-13-08, 11:20 AM
Yeah, my BP comes out in the evening sometimes after it gets dark, and we turn on red lights just for a couple of hours so we can watch it. Otherwise, I have to go look at it in the middle of the night to see it. I used to have a milk snake that was routinely out in the afternoon/evening. What I want now is both! I may drive my DH crazy! :crazy:

Maybe when my son finally moves out I'll turn his room into a snake room! Who needs a guest room, after all!

12-13-08, 03:35 PM
Yeah, my BP comes out in the evening sometimes after it gets dark, and we turn on red lights just for a couple of hours so we can watch it. Otherwise, I have to go look at it in the middle of the night to see it. I used to have a milk snake that was routinely out in the afternoon/evening. What I want now is both! I may drive my DH crazy! :crazy:

Maybe when my son finally moves out I'll turn his room into a snake room! Who needs a guest room, after all!

Mine is a guest room, it's just that my guests require particular care :)

12-14-08, 12:53 PM
"I don't know a snake without a clear line. They don't like me or care for me."
Tsk tsk tsk, all those snake-hugging, anthropomorphists would have a heyday with you young sir....

12-14-08, 05:52 PM
all those snake-hugging, anthropomorphists would have a heyday with you young sir.

You mean like me? LOL

My DIL's parents think I am verrrrrry strange . . . clearly I am a snake-hugger!


12-15-08, 05:22 PM
They probably would but I only need to call a couple people for back up ;)

Or you know...they just might "sick" their snakes on me with their commands.

12-16-08, 11:10 AM
they just might "sick" their snakes on me with their commands

Do you mean sick or sic??

Ever try training a snake to act a particular way on command?? Hah! If that could be done, I'd train this darned BP of mine to eat on command!

12-16-08, 02:55 PM
I'm not sure on how the spelling of the word should be when someone "sics" or "sicks" an animal on the other? You know the whole "sick him Sheba" kind of thing.

12-17-08, 07:10 AM
Gotca. Preferred spelling is sic. hmmm . . . I gotta look up that word--I wonder where it came from? OK, anyway, not to go off topic . . . what was the topic? Oh, yeah--your snake room! I think if my DH would build me a few new shelves, some could be for books, some for snakes . . . I thought about converting our attic storage space but it gets way too hot in the summer. Gotta keep thinking about this!

12-17-08, 02:01 PM
Chu, an exhaust fan might work?

12-18-08, 10:59 AM
We're talking 120 degrees or more in July/August--there's no insulation in the roof as far as we can tell. We even installed a window AC. It could cool one small area but not the whole thing, and the expense was painful. There is a huge ventilator fan up there that we use to cool the whole house in the summer, but it doesn't keep the attic area cool enough. I'm sure I'd have baked snake. :no:

But we're hoping to remodel soon (soon being a couple of years). We'll raise the roof, install good insulation, and make the room useable. I want to turn part of the room into a ham radio station and part could be a snake room. That would be awesome!

12-18-08, 02:42 PM
That would be pretty neat.

12-21-08, 10:28 AM
yea....people are about half and half at my house...i hate winter..i'm cold..

12-21-08, 10:35 AM
Me, too! and I'm farther south than you . . . our cold is damper, which apparently makes it feel colder . . . Had to start leaving the red lights on overnight again to keep the vive from dropping below 80 deg. BP seems to be getting ready to shed & really doesn't want to come out at all!

ratio of animals to people at our house: about 6:1