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10-12-08, 07:06 PM
hi my name is Christian i live in canada

i found what i think it is brown grass snake (Storeria dekayi)http://www.apaw.ca/pictures/Brown%20Snake.JPG in front of my basement door made of concrete he was no way out so i catch it to help it and to save it from winter

here some pic they are not the best but ill try to get more
http://greengrass.qc.ca/photologan/snake/ (
so for now i added some top sol and a tree branche and some water
hes around 6inch long i wanted to know how to take care of it and what i can give im as food thanks

10-14-08, 02:28 AM
Hmmmm . . . he found a way in, right? It seems likely he had a way out. Snakes are amazing at finding holes we know nothing about.

At any rate, from what I've heard from the other Canadians on sSNAKESs, it may be against the law for you to keep the snake, so you might want to check that.

According to my Petersen Field Guide, this kind of snake eats slugs, earthworms, and soft-bodied insects. They probably find a place to hibernate during winter. Given the probable difficulty of finding appropriate and acceptable food for it during the winter, it might be best to let it go so it can go find a good place to spend the winter.

Sorry to be such a downer; maybe someone else will have more information.

10-14-08, 02:16 PM
ok that what i finaly found i was going to realease it today aniway

i also wanted to know what the smaless and more friendly snake they sale in store because if i go buy 1 i dont want to have something that grow arounf 1meters long

10-15-08, 12:05 AM
Corn snakes are good snakes for starters. If you read through some of the other posts, corn snakes are mentioned a number of times with some good information. They come in some really pretty colors, too.

However, they can get up to 1-1.6 or so meters long. Some of the milk snakes stay a little smaller. Do lots of reading up so you know what you want AND what it needs from you before you get it. You're off to a great start checking in here! :)