View Full Version : B. Smithi Pics

10-09-08, 10:31 AM
I just wanted to show off my first arachnid family member. I can see why they're addictive, very intriguing creatures.



I have a strong feeling that this won't be my last Tarantula :)

10-09-08, 10:43 AM
Good looking spider. Don't annoy it though with all your pic taking!

10-09-08, 10:57 AM
I promise, no annoyance. That first pic was taken the day I brought him home, the second one was taken last night :p I'm being very well-behaved, promise haha

10-09-08, 07:53 PM
ok few questions whats the point of having a spider, i thought the just wanted to bite you! how do you tell when there tick off and what is the proper way to house them?

10-09-08, 08:31 PM
Wow...I know there are no stupid questions, but that one came damn close. Are you aware of how many different species of spider there are in the world? I'm pretty sure 90% of them won't bite you or if they do you deserve it. Yeah...spiders are vicious man eating killers...:rolleyes:

Different tarantulas are known for different temperments ranging from fairly docile all the way to skittish and even aggressive. It's just like snakes, lizards, anything...

In all honesty I'm an utter tarantula newbie and have gotten lots of help from Aaron_S and caresheets in ensuring that I have given my tarantula the proper habitat. I'm also still learning his behaviour.

A Tarantula is not a handling pet generally. You CAN handle them, but it's not like they enjoy it. I prefer to just allow mine to be itself in its home.

And what's the point of keeping a spider? Well some of us do find them fascinating, they're easy to care for, they're beautiful and I personally am obsessed with mine and admire it.

If you want to know how to care for one, I suggest you look up caresheets. There are too many different kinds with different requirements. It would be like me saying "How do you take care of a lizard?" www.petbugs.com have awesome caresheets...

10-09-08, 11:03 PM
Jenn, don't bug the boy with your snobby remarks! He was only asking a question, much like anyone gets keeping "odd" exotics.

Chase, think of why you like snakes, and how they really aren't interactive. How you keep them for other reasons than their ability to learn tricks. That is why people keep spiders.

Spiders are interesting to keep. Sure, some are pretty defensive but none will outright bite you. It was a little naive of you to actually say that, knowing that most people in the general public think that about YOUR snakes. It pays off to have an open mind with pretty much anything.

10-10-08, 08:07 PM
Um Aaron I'm sure he was aware that I was being sarcastic so...

B_T_ M_ would you like to buy a vowel? :p

10-10-08, 08:47 PM
Sorry, the sarcasm went over my head.

10-11-08, 01:21 PM
Um Aaron I'm sure he was aware that I was being sarcastic so...

B_T_ M_ would you like to buy a vowel? :p
Mmmm sounds tasty :p :D Mark
P.S. Jenn "well-behaved" LOL ya right ;)

10-11-08, 05:11 PM
Mmmm sounds tasty :p :D Mark
P.S. Jenn "well-behaved" LOL ya right ;)

*giggles* Awe Mark, always good for the shameless flattery ;)

10-12-08, 02:33 AM
To get back to the original topic here--I have to say, your tarantula is beautiful. I love the colors.
Here in Oklahoma we get a pretty plain brown or brown/black. Even so, they are fascinating creatures and can be very interesting to keep and observe.

They are actually fairly easy to take care of, also. Handling some is OK, but only over a close surface--don't go walking around the house with one, because it can suddenly decide to leave your hand and fall to the floor, which can be fatal. So keep something close under your hand in case it falls or moves suddenly.

Spiders are truly interesting--they exhibit so many different behaviors. I especially love the jumping/hunting spiders. Their eyes glow! and they have 8 of them, so -- guess I'm with Jenn on the fascination with spiders as well as snakes and many other creatures, I'll bet!!


10-14-08, 01:32 PM
Not my thing at all! (went past the pic real quick) sorry...

I know nothing about spiders as they just don't do it for me, so excuse my ignorance. Just wanted to say good luck with your new arachnid.

10-16-08, 12:32 AM
There are no stupid questions? RIGHT ON!

Do they fill their cage up with web? How often do you have to clean that up? Is it a pain in the as butt?

I like those guys, but how much work are they?

10-16-08, 10:33 PM
I'm going to field some of these questions because I can and I'm not sure how often Serpentlust still checks these forums. I own a rose hair tarantula so I'm not just pulling this out of thin air here.

My girl does fill the entire bottom of the cage with web. She seems to enjoy it like that. I clean it up and change everything around every few weeks. Tarantulas don't make a large mess at all so they don't need to be fully cleaned all the time. It isn't a pain because I just toss everything and put new substrate in. The work for a tarantula, especially such species as a rose hair or Smithi is very low. I bought mine when I went to college due to the low maintenance of the animal. She fit right into a college students life :D

10-17-08, 11:38 AM
I'm going to field some of these questions because I can and I'm not sure how often Serpentlust still checks these forums. I own a rose hair tarantula so I'm not just pulling this out of thin air here.

I still check the forums, I just see no point in posting answers to tarantula questions when I'm a raw beginner with them and I know someone with more experience will be able to answer better than me.

My experiences thus far. Smithi's do not web as much as rose hairs. Very low maintenance creature to keep. Smithi's seem to appreciate a burrow or hiding place more than rose hairs. Rose hairs (that I've worked with) don't seem to be as shy/seclusive as Smithi's. Both are fantastic beginner species.