View Full Version : Canon S30 digital camera

12-22-02, 07:51 AM
Hi all,

After years of waiting for a digital camera, I have finally decided on this model, the Canon S30. It seems to offer the best bang for buck, and has all the features I need/like.

Is anyone currently using this camera, and has any comments on it, particularly in regards to its macro capabilities. Do I need any other accessories other than a bigger memory card?

I will probably pick it up on boxing day, so any thoughts before that would be greatly appreciated.


12-22-02, 09:26 AM
i also just bought one and would like any comments on this subject. as far as i know it doesnt offer as close a macro as others i think its min is 6 inches or so

12-22-02, 06:01 PM
10 cm (Wide) / 30 cm (Tele) - Infinity

which is 3.9 inches.

I find that at max resolution 3.9 inches is pretty damn close. of course I wouldnt mind a 6cm g3 heheill post a sample macro shot when i get back from lotr (round 2 :p

12-22-02, 10:04 PM
Dave, there is an excellent review on it at www.dpreview.com

However, since us herpers mostly take macro shots, I was a little concerned about the S30's poor macro rating. But I am by no means a professional photographer, so what some people may consider poor, I may find acceptable.

escm, if you could post a few macro shots, that would be really helpful.


12-25-02, 10:28 PM
i find it great as long as you dont need it for anything smaller then a dime or so i wanted to be able to take pixs of my animals eyes only but thats proven tough so far without losing alot of quality in digital zoom