View Full Version : Why Rocky is loose in the car

09-03-08, 11:09 AM
Rocky is loose in the car because he absolutly LOVES heat and he only goes up on the dashboard. i have a handle installed on the passenger seat interior that he wraps his tail around so if he shoud fall he wont get hurt. He never leaves the dash its his favorite spot. Once he feels that heat he wont leave. Rocky i have had since birth and he has nothing toward humans you can do anything to him and he lets you do what you want but of course i know what to not let anyone do and hes always under watch although he is incredibly tame. Hope that answers your questions. more pictures to come

09-03-08, 10:21 PM
It's a bad idea. Here's a few reasons,
1. You can't regulate the temperature very well of that heat, meaning he could get burned one day.
2. Even though he's got a tail wrapped around a handle it doesn't stop his body from swinging around,possibly slamming into something and hurting himself.
3. Maybe someone sees him in the window and looks away from their car and they end up causing an accident. Quite possible. You maybe end up in an accident and cause a lot of grief for yourself. Either he may die or the police come to the scene and notice you've got a 'dangerous' animal on your dashboard. Subjecting the municipality that you live in to put up bans on boas and pythons just because you got into an accident, and possibly frightened the other driver.

09-04-08, 05:50 AM
yeah im with aaron on this one, driving around with a snake loose in the car is pretty stupid. all animals shold be transported in a styrofoam cooler or something with some shirts or shavings at least to lay on. i know people who have had snakes die because they took them out when it was too cold out... or had them crawl into the dash board vents because it was so small..
whats the humidity levels like in your car? LOL

09-04-08, 01:05 PM
It's a bad idea. Here's a few reasons,
1. You can't regulate the temperature very well of that heat, meaning he could get burned one day.
2. Even though he's got a tail wrapped around a handle it doesn't stop his body from swinging around,possibly slamming into something and hurting himself.
3. Maybe someone sees him in the window and looks away from their car and they end up causing an accident. Quite possible. You maybe end up in an accident and cause a lot of grief for yourself. Either he may die or the police come to the scene and notice you've got a 'dangerous' animal on your dashboard. Subjecting the municipality that you live in to put up bans on boas and pythons just because you got into an accident, and possibly frightened the other driver.

Very well said. And that is just 3 reasons why, there are so many more. Including, him dying from being too hot, you getting into an accident because snakes are unpredicatable and he could wrap around your steering wheel, etc....the list goes on and on. I am sure that you get the idea.

09-05-08, 12:31 PM
I'm not even a fan of loose dogs in the car myself. My various friends have theirs leashed to the back seats or in kennels when travelling with theirs. 2 main rules when it comes to animals & children in any situation. Controlled & Contained. A loose animal in a vehicle is neither, Mark

09-05-08, 10:42 PM
I'm not even a fan of loose dogs in the car myself. My various friends have theirs leashed to the back seats or in kennels when travelling with theirs. 2 main rules when it comes to animals & children in any situation. Controlled & Contained. A loose animal in a vehicle is neither, Mark

I hear ya on that! I had my JRT with me in the truck one day, leashed to the seat belt beside me and we drove up to a ride program. I was going camping and really didn't know my way so the officers were nice enough to give me directions. As I pulled away my dog tried to get to the window on my side to see the police as we drove off. Her back end got stuck in the steering wheel and made it difficult for me to steer. So, the truck was jerking all over the road and her butt was on the horn.....so the horn was going the whole time......not a pretty sight:eek:. Guess the leash wan't tight enough. Ever since then I make sure she is secure and can't get near me. Animals loose in a vehicle is such a bad idea.

09-06-08, 01:45 AM
I know of at least a couple incidents that friends had as a direct result of a dog getting into the "pedals". The one just demoed the truck & the driver but hey the puppy was just fine LOL My friend ended up with multiple fractures in various places & a couple real good shiners due to her "nose job" I called her Rhonda Racoon for a long time after that. We had a big party when she got out of the Hospital & she still had black eyes. Anyway babble babble LOL Controlled & Contained ;) Mark

09-06-08, 01:54 PM
im sorry but ive argued with some other people from another site about this
someone was probably watching him.. i take my redtail lenox out with me all the time and he is loose in the car on the dash or around my neck.theres nothing wrong with a snake being lose in the car as long as someone is watching him.
do you ever take your snake outside.your taking just as much of a risk doing that..

09-06-08, 01:57 PM
ohh and dogs are much different in a vehical theyre bigger and want to meet everyone

09-06-08, 02:32 PM
im sorry but ive argued with some other people from another site about this
someone was probably watching him.. i take my redtail lenox out with me all the time and he is loose in the car on the dash or around my neck.theres nothing wrong with a snake being lose in the car as long as someone is watching him.
do you ever take your snake outside.your taking just as much of a risk doing that..

Its funny how those with bad practices themselves support others with the smae bad practices. Snakes around the neck is a very stupid practice indeed. If one never allows snakes around ones neck they will never be constricted around their neck. I personally NEVER place ANY snake around my neck EVER. I'm not just some Joe Blow wannabe snake tough guy like those of you that think walking around like this in public or worse yet driving like that is appropriate. I'm a snake breeder. I work with 100s of snakes for hours & hours EVERY day for the last decade. Ever had a snake constrict you? I have & it happens in a split second & they are far more powerfull than you give them credit for. The nicest, calmest snake thats been around for years & never struck blah blah blah yadda yadda yadda can still do it & some day WILL do it. When its out of its enviroment a snake can be set off really easy whether some folks out there can grasp that or not. Always trsut a snake to be a snake. If you don't know what that means its means DON"T trust the snake & be prepared for it to do anything. I have seen lots of crap go down over the years & every single time it was the owners fault for following poor practices. Having someone "watch" as the snake chokes you out while driving does not make it safe LMAO. As for outside no I do not take my snakes outside. There is no reason for it. I don't need to drive around with a snake around my neck or go to the mall with one or to a concert or event etc. etc. etc. to be cool. There is ZERO benefit to the snake by doing so, unless you think stress is somehow benefiting your snake? Most folks that feel the need to pack their snakes around everywhere do so for attention & status for themselves. It is not a thing a responsible snake owner does. A responsible snake owner ALWAYS has control over the snake & the snake is always contained to whatever area that has been predetermined to be a safe appropriate atmosphere. Walking around whereever you go with one is not that. I take snakes out to prearranged venues for displays & demos. I do demos for Humane Societies etc. & am actively involved in the Provinicial society where I live. I try my best to promote proper husbandry, handling & safety. Sorry to vent on you guys but what you are suggesting goes against everything that I try to teach folks in reguards to being resposible herpers. Keeping snakes is cool, but having to walk or drive around with one for attention is not. My vent for the day anyway. Mark

09-06-08, 10:38 PM
I completely agree with Mark's wall of text. :D

09-07-08, 09:36 AM
putting a snake around your neck is not a tough guy snake trainer thing its called holding your snake and keeping him worm. your neck is one of the wormest places on your body

09-07-08, 10:49 AM
That is why a snake is likely to wrap itself around your neck and apply pressure. It's not a safe practice. You shouldn't need to keep your snake warm while it is out because it should only be out for brief periods. If you happen to do educational shows and talks, again it isn't needed.

09-07-08, 02:06 PM
putting a snake around your neck is not a tough guy snake trainer thing its called holding your snake and keeping him worm. your neck is one of the wormest places on your body
It is one of the absolute worst practices to get into. I hold plenty of snakes every day & do not have to place any of them around my neck ever. I have had Carpet Pythons constrict my arms on quite a few different occassions where if they were around my neck I would have been choked out. I'm talking arm turning all purple, "pins & needles" the whole 9. If a 5 ft (or larger) Boid constricts you for real it takes a LOT to get it off of you. I'm 6'2" 230 BTW, not a small guy. If its around your neck & you are by yourself it can be all over literally or even just blacking out & falling & hitting your head is not a good thing. As for the warmth comments, well guess what if you DO NOT take your snake out into inappropriate weather it will not have to cuddle you for warmth ;) & thats why they do "cuddle" not because they love us or anything ;) Anyhow one of the best pieces of advice I can ever give anyone is to NOT place a snake around ones neck ever. Bad practices lead to preventable accidents, Mark
P.S. & we all know how the media loves spreading bad press about snake keepers, lets do our best not to give them any fuel to do so with.

09-07-08, 02:08 PM
Mark, it seems our words are falling on deaf ears. If you check the other recent posts of Durtis you'll notice that he believes he's correct, regardless of facts.

09-07-08, 02:36 PM
Can only try to share knowledge, can't force them to learn. Mark
P.S. future "statistic" ;)

09-07-08, 08:13 PM
hey durtis is my cousin he does what he wants no matter what you say you just gotta live with it like that and personally i think its fine for him to be like that thats one of the reasons were real close if yoou wanna try to change his mind you should just stop not to get on a sore note with you guys but just his family and i dont like it when you say he has deaf ears thats sayin his to stubern to leason to breeders

09-07-08, 09:17 PM
screw all of you and thank you chase

09-07-08, 09:57 PM
screw all of you and thank you chase

Wow Durtis, that was mature. Mark is just offering some very good advice. Take it or don't, pretty simple. It is obvious that you have never been constricted by a snake. Let me tell you the first time that you are, you will second guess the whole snake around your neck thing.

09-07-08, 10:08 PM
I don't really give a rats arse if you choose to be a dummy or not. However others that read this can choose to follow good advice if its presented so it is. If some dumb kid doesn't want to follow advice of those with far more experience that have already been there & done that so be it. Yes I say dumb because not following proper safety protocol is just that IMHO anyway. Wear your snakes as necklaces all you want LOL Mark
P.S. they are NOT fashion accessories ;)

09-07-08, 10:12 PM
you know what i dont give a rats *** right now he thinks hes above me because hes a breeder or older

and totheend mature in very mature for my age you would give them same crap these 2 or 3 assholes were giving you all this ****

09-08-08, 06:19 AM
I'm sorry but swearing on a public forum doesn't exactly give you a mature image.

Regardless if you take the advice present or not we believe we should at least mention the proper way of handling things so that other people viewing the thread get the right idea instead of the wrong one.

Chase, that is EXACTLY what I meant when I said words fall on deaf ears.

09-08-08, 09:01 AM
and totheend mature in very mature for my age you would give them same crap these 2 or 3 assholes were giving you all this ****

They were not being rude to you until you were rude with them. I have been keeping reptiles for 20 years and I am always willing to take advise from others. That is how I can improve techniques, husbandry and anything else. We all need to be willing to learn from others, that is how the hobby advances.

09-08-08, 10:56 AM
I am sorry all this got started. I really am on here to learn, so that I can prove to my parents, I am responsible enough for a snake. I just got a little protective of my cousin. While I may not agree with everything he does, he is still my boy and I can only do what I know and have been taught. YOU STAND FOR YOUR FAMILY NO MATTER WHAT. Can we now move past all this and just know the information is out there and as mom always says you can please some of the people some of the time but not all the people all the time. I think it makes sense.

09-08-08, 03:10 PM
I am sorry all this got started. I really am on here to learn, so that I can prove to my parents, I am responsible enough for a snake. I just got a little protective of my cousin. While I may not agree with everything he does, he is still my boy and I can only do what I know and have been taught. YOU STAND FOR YOUR FAMILY NO MATTER WHAT. Can we now move past all this and just know the information is out there and as mom always says you can please some of the people some of the time but not all the people all the time. I think it makes sense.

If you are looking to learn something you need to learn right off is not to disrespect those trying to teach you. Family is family & all, but standing up for something that is stupid or wrong just because of someone else in your family, well thats just stupid & wrong LOL Mark
P.S. Durtis you are a disrespectful little punk that has a long way to go on figuring out life & how it works. Nuff Said

09-08-08, 06:09 PM
If someone, ANYONE, 16 or 50 years of age comes around and disrespects people who are trying to give great advice, we'd say the same thing. The first lesson to this hobby and any hobby really is, the day you believe you know everything is the day you sell everything and stop. That day just will not ever come.

09-10-08, 07:58 AM
I think maybe this "Durtis" character might be on the front page of some podunk newspaper some day soon....

09-10-08, 11:04 AM
I think maybe this "Durtis" character might be on the front page of some podunk newspaper some day soon....

The thing these guys don't realize is it is people like them that lead to Bans & Bylaws etc. that ruin the hobby for the rest of us RESPONSIBLE Herpers. Thats why I bother to even post in reguards to such BS. We can do what we can to promote responsible herpers despite folks that want to ignore safety etc. Sad thing is when something happens due to their not being responsible it guys like me/you that deal with the fallout & get "raped & plundered" by the media. Mark

09-10-08, 03:43 PM
Mark; I hear you, I'll tell you what though, every time I see a post by some "cool guy wanna-be need to show off his snake 'cause he's got a little pecker" type, I just thank my lucky stars they live far far away from me.
Sometimes, it's like talking to a reeetarded wall.

09-11-08, 01:18 AM
I second what you say Mykee and Mark. It royally blows for us herpers. Although even though they may be far away, doesn't mean it slows the bills down here. Some politician will use it to get votes.

09-12-08, 08:41 AM
Despite that some people practice improper husbandry either through ignorance or willfully, we should try to refrain from insulting them. Even if they deserve it.

attacking someone verbally (whether they deserve it or not) will put their back up and they will not listen to you, no matter what you say. They are more likely to abandon the forum, never to return. Any knowledge or wisdom that could be imparted to them in the future is now lost.

It is better to be firm in your opinion and use reason not attacks to get your point across. It is true that some people disregard reason, but yelling at them doesn't help.

I also cringe when the media grabs onto a story about snakes and puts a negative spin on it. ( snakes are like cat nip to them.) Or when I hear a story about someone not keeping a snake safely (either for the snake or the person)

Reptiles are far more sensitive to specific care then other types of pets, like cats and dogs. In regards to necessity of specific environmental conditions and diet. Similarly because reptiles are so different it is more difficult for us to rely on intuition to decide what is right or wrong in terms of proper care. People don't understand the natural behavior of snakes and are surprised when they act differently then they expect. Snakes aren't social animals and we shouldn't treat them as such. Plus the fact that reptiles, snakes in particular are used as a status symbol to show how cool a person is.

I think the best way to combat ignorance is by teaching and demonstrating to the public (especially through media). It is from fear and ignorance that irrational laws are created. Perhaps someone should give a demonstration to government officials.

09-12-08, 10:43 AM
I asked a question, and it was answered. I then gave reason to why it was a bad idea for a snake to be loose in a car. I tried the polite way first, just as I've done with other forum members. If they refuse to listen, refuse to believe me, then they aren't going to listen to anybody, no matter how you say it.

09-13-08, 09:29 AM
ok i think we need to stop because this is about why rocky is loose in the car not about safe and unsafe practices if you wanna talk about that make a new theard or how ever you spell it ok.

09-13-08, 10:49 AM
ok i think we need to stop because this is about why rocky is loose in the car not about safe and unsafe practices if you wanna talk about that make a new theard or how ever you spell it ok.

Uh a loose snake in the car is all about unsafe practices ;) Nuff said though Mark

11-10-08, 11:51 PM
Holy crap this is almost funny but not.
I agree with Deej... and Mark clearly knows what hes talking about.
I just dont get why you'd want to drive around with your snake?!? lol people never cease to amaze me... thats why I live on the island...