View Full Version : 2 heads are not always better than one!

08-03-08, 05:58 PM
An egg from a Motley Snow Corn I manually pipped last night contained this lil mutation, Mark
P.S. BTW if its still alive later it will be euthanized


08-03-08, 07:58 PM
that is crazy! i geuss just like humans there can be many defects and unfortunately cant live with them :(

08-05-08, 06:36 PM
*Paging Dr.Moreau. Paging DR.Moreau*

On a more serious note, interesting, yet slightly disturbing. Any idea why? Random mutation or something with the genetic lines?

08-05-08, 07:57 PM
Most likely a twin or 2 embrosin the same egg "gone bad" so to speak. Not successfully remaining seperate but merging together during development. THX Mark