View Full Version : BC. people keeping exotics,Canada

08-02-08, 10:20 AM
I found this on another forum hope this will not become the law for British Columbia,Canada as this would severly restrict what we can keep.

I posted earlier about regs on hots (http://constrictors.com/forums/showthread.php?t=20251 (http://constrictors.com/forums/showthread.php?t=20251)) and just got off the phone with the fish and wildlife director for bc and have some bad news. As of spring of '09 there will be a bit of a ban on reptiles, they are planning to ban all lizards over 2 feet and all snakes over 3 meters (not actuall length but the length the species MAY obtain) Current owners will be aloud to keep there animals for the animals life but not aloud to breed or purchase more. The really disturbing fact that I learned from talking to him is what they consider some of the top lengths of species, retics as he put grow to 30+ feet so there defianatly going to be on, as well as burm that he say will grow to 25 feet, as well as BCI, which he has as growing to 15-18 feet. This will deifanatly be a sad day when this happens. for anyone wanting more info I hope it is ok to include this here:
Chris Hamilton
Manager, Wildlife Act and Regulatory Change
Fish and Wildlife Branch
Ministry of Environment
PO Box 9398 Stn Prov Gov
Victoria, BC V8W 9M9
Phone 250.356.0830
Cel 250.213.9032
chris.hamilton@.gov.bc.ca (chris.hamilton@.gov.bc.ca)
www.env.gov.bc.ca/fw/wildlifeactreview/ (http://www.env.gov.bc.ca/fw/wildlifeactreview/)