View Full Version : Help, my snake is being weird!

07-07-08, 10:58 AM
Hi! I'm new to the site and I'm not really sure how this works. I have a four year old corn snake named Simon, he's about four foot long. I have never had any problems with him except an escape about a year ago. All of a sudden he started coiling in circles, around and around:hmm:. Then he started rubbing on the side of his tank and his tree branch:suspicious:. He's also making jerky movements and biting himself. Not hard, just bite and let go. I looked to see if he has mites but I can't see any. Not that I really know what they look like. I bathed him and that seamed to help, but he's still doing it. I've seen him shed and this behavior is nothing like that. I live in a small town. There is only one vet that deals with reptiles, and he's expensive. Any ideas! Has anyone seen this behavior before :confused:?

07-08-08, 07:56 AM
What is his setup like? Is he eating still? Have you used any chemicals or sprays near him? It sounds like something neurological. Check herpvetconnection.com to see if there are any other vets in your area, otherwise you may have to see that one.

07-08-08, 01:11 PM
Other than the biting himself I would say he's just feeling frisky & is restless & wants out to breed. The biting himself thing is a wierd one though & makes me think mites maybe as well. He could be confused & thinks that the part of himself he is biting is a potential mate? Male snakes will do so to hold a mate still to get "lined up" etc. when mating. Make sure his cage is nie & clean & have a good loo at him too. If he has mites you should notice them in his facial area somewhere or see them fall off (drown) in a bath. Make sure the bath temps are slightly cool to the human touch or around 80F. Remember "luke warm" is in excess of 100F (we are alomost 100F as humans)& much too hot for the snake. Mark