View Full Version : Whats your pet up to?

06-27-08, 10:11 PM
Hay everybody Bosc08 here. I wanted to set a thread in what kind of reptiles you have, in what cage/dementions they are in and how they got it.

I got a savannah Monitor at 17 inches in a 4ft. by 18 inch by 18 inch wooden cage with slidding doors that I purchased at a reptile show. I found not got my sav. My cousin bought a ball python at a reptile show and we went home and took out the python and we soon saw a four sav in it. It was half dead, it coudn't hardly move. Now he is good. My leo gecko was bought at Petco for 60 dollers. And she is in a 20 gallon tank, 30 inch by 12 inch by 12 inch. What about you reptile?:)

06-28-08, 09:33 AM
2 Corn Snakes, Hypo $50, Amel, $85, in a 15 Gallon (Edmonton Reptile show in May)
1 Desert Iguana, $70, in an 18x18x8 Exo-Terra, bought from work (PJ's Pet Centre)
Then my cat, dogs, bird, fish....heh!