View Full Version : whats the best tank for cornies :D

06-25-08, 05:02 PM
Me and my girlfriend have been contomplating on what to get. Ower land lord doesn't mind snakes as long as they arnt over 5ft so we desided to get a corn snake for each of us. Now the problem is were not sure what to get. She has been doing her research and found what is called a butter corn snake and loves it along with an albino. I how ever wan't to wait till the next local expo to see what they have other than deathco(petco):D . She has a burning hole of money in her pocket to go pick out a tank. I was wondering how would an exo-terra tank do. There is a clearence on the 12x12x12 but Im not sure its big enough. Would the 18x18x18 or the 34Wx18Dx24H be big enough. I found an exoterra web site but Im not sure. I here that a 20 gal is good enough but I like the fact that the front of it opens and locks.Any sugestions

06-25-08, 11:42 PM
I recommend not housing both of them together. It's better for the snakes, a little more costly for you but in the end it's better.

Anyways, for an adult cornsnake, a 15 gal long or 20 gal works fine for single adults. Babies can be kept in a 10 gal for at least a year I'd say.

the 12x12x12 would work for some time but you'd need to upgrade.

06-26-08, 11:47 AM
I keep my 2 corn snakes in a 15 Gallon. They seem to be OK.... but I don't like them both in one that small. I would never keep them in a 12X12X12, unless they were quite small/young. I understand they can be quite the escape artists when young, so I don't know about the exo-terra's. Like AARON said, its best to have them in individual tanks. I think when they reach adult size, I will for sure have each one in a 20-30 gallon.

06-26-08, 12:14 PM
I keep my corn in a 40 gal long, with a BSS. that way I don't disturb him and have to acclimate him every time he needs a new enclosure. he's in his forever home :D Did the same for my Beardie and other critters. the right size for adult critters.

06-26-08, 02:47 PM
thank for all the help. Room in the apartment is small sence were living out of the bedroom as of now. So for a baby a 12x12x12 is fine for a while but I would need to upgrade. What I really want to know is can a corn snake live in a 18x18x18 or will I have to get a bigger tank. Does any one use an exo terra tank for there corn snake?

06-26-08, 04:00 PM
18x18x18 is probably too small. Although I'm trying to picture it in my head and I'm unsure. I know a 15 gal is sufficient for an adult cornsnake. Although I've found corns are quite mobile and will use the space given to them.

06-27-08, 06:07 AM
Ive herd of ppl using tuper wear containers. Now is this for a short time or ok for longperiods

06-27-08, 10:31 AM
It's great for longterm use. Rubbermaid is what is more commonly used. I didn't recommend them as I figured these are pets to you both and you'd probably prefer a visually pleasing enclosure.

06-27-08, 04:27 PM
well hell if I can use tupper wear I have tupper wear that is very see through. Do have any recomenadtions on how it should be set up if I were to use tuper wear

06-27-08, 04:33 PM
18x18x18 is probably too small. Although I'm trying to picture it in my head and I'm unsure. I know a 15 gal is sufficient for an adult cornsnake. Although I've found corns are quite mobile and will use the space given to them.

I actually have an 18x18x18 sitting right next to my 15 gallon that I have corns in. You said you coudn't quite visualize it. Well the 18 is actually the shape of a cube. I would even consider it a tad larger then the 15 gallon. But just taller. Hope that helps;)

06-28-08, 06:39 AM
If a 18x18x18 is almost the same size thats great I actually found a local pet shop and found a 24x18x18 or a 24x18x24(WxDxH) but for now I have a ruber maid container that is 6inch deep with bedding, 20" long and 14" wide so I think that that should be good enough. Yes I did drill out a butt load of breathing holes. The top is half holes, then I cut a 1/4th of the middle of the top oof and put in a removable screen that IS excape proof( less he can loosen bolts:D) and drilled 3 sides of the bottom half. All I need to do now is hook up a light and get the cornny. If there is and problems with this I would like to know because other than that I'm going to go get him today or tommorrow morning and yes I have made the hole cage up for him. It has bedding(can't remember name ontop of my head) a hide rock, Half log, swimming bowl, drinking bowl, and an asort ment of minut plants oh and some pebble rock that have been in VERY HOT water soaks for there 3rd time. Like I said if this is not right plz tell me other than that Im off to work thank

06-28-08, 01:43 PM
Well becareful hooking a light upto it so it doesn't melt the enclosure. A couple potential problems I see. The vent holes might be big enough to escape from. Anyone on this forum would tell you that even if you THINK a snake can't get of somewhere, there's a possiblity it'll find a way.

Mad Snake Boy
06-28-08, 04:23 PM
Hey mate if it helps i had 3 corns in a 48x18x15 viv and they seemed happy enough

06-28-08, 06:41 PM
Hey mate if it helps i had 3 corns in a 48x18x15 viv and they seemed happy enough

Just because you did something and the animals SEEMED happy, doesn't mean they were.

Mad Snake Boy
07-02-08, 07:56 AM
Just because you did something and the animals SEEMED happy, doesn't mean they were.
Well they were always placid

07-02-08, 02:32 PM
Snakes being placid doesn't equal happiness. It can, quite often, mean sickness. Not saying yours were sick, just it's possible.

Well they were always placid

07-04-08, 03:47 PM
I have a question. I bought 2 corn snakes the other day and was wondering is it ok to keep them both together? They are both female I beleve and do well together. When I got them they were together so I didn't think it was bad or not. Another thing the owner before said that they were 3 years old. The albino is 4ft and the other is 3'6" is this too fast I thought it took longer a foot or more a year? The tank there in is a 55 gallon with aspen bottom I think wityh a few climbing sticks and a big water bowl. They are very friendly and love to cuddle up in the blanket almost like a cat. I hope to put picks up soon

07-04-08, 07:42 PM
Cuddle up in WHAT blanket? Did you honestly give them a blanket in the tank?

You do know snakes like to hide, and are probably just hiding in the dark crevices of the blanket. They aren't "cuddling up".

Also, if you read in this thread, and about half a dozen others you'll see the answer to your question regarding if they can co-habitat.

11-10-08, 03:28 AM
Corns are generally fine together however Most other snakes shoudnt be housed together for many reasons and some people just get stuck on it. Its just easier and better to keep eveyone seperate for many reasonss.

11-10-08, 08:38 PM
ok a snake doesnt need a "Swimming bowl" if it has a drinking bowl. and i think its better to have purified water in the water dish but make sure the water is room temp. baby corns are very tiny so make sure you have that incloser escape profe. and what kind of corn did you say you were getting.

11-10-08, 08:39 PM
aww man i think i said this super late

11-10-08, 08:41 PM
wow im a ****** this started along time ago umm hello someone should close this thread

11-10-08, 09:00 PM
i house all 4 of my corns in a 55 gallon long. they have been in there for 2 years now and never one problem. just feed them separately.

11-10-08, 11:34 PM
Chase, threads don't really get closed just because they are older. People just let them die though lol.

Again, as it's already been stated in this thread, just because you keep them together doesn't mean it's always the right thing to do.