06-25-08, 09:59 AM
Nice to be here!
We are bearded dragon hobbiests, and recently our hobby has turned into a part time business! Our reptile collection includes bearded dragons of all ages and colours, a pair of Chinese cave geckos and a monster pyxie frog who would eat me if he had the chance...
We currently do not own any snakes, but we will someday and I want to know all I can and am very interested in keeping up with the hobby.
I look forward to being a member here.
We are bearded dragon hobbiests, and recently our hobby has turned into a part time business! Our reptile collection includes bearded dragons of all ages and colours, a pair of Chinese cave geckos and a monster pyxie frog who would eat me if he had the chance...
We currently do not own any snakes, but we will someday and I want to know all I can and am very interested in keeping up with the hobby.
I look forward to being a member here.