View Full Version : Hello! AND HELP MISSING ROYAL PYTHON!! (Ball python)

06-13-08, 10:11 AM
:sad:PLZ HELP!!!

Hi I'm new here and have come with a bit of a problem. I have a Royal Python or Ball Python called Patrick who has gone missing recently. He is over a year old and I've had him since he was a baby and he has never escaped or gone missing before (except for my corn snake Candy who turned up in a month on the stairs). When I was on MSN I put him down for a bit (because its hard typing while holding a snake) and completely forgot that I put him down and went out for half an hour and came back realizing what i had done. The PC is down stairs so I put him down downstairs. He is very tame and lazy and I don't think he would go far. Please can anyone give me any advice on how and where to look. Please help I miss my baby!!!
:no: Thanks,

06-14-08, 09:15 AM
Are you sure he's not better off without you? How do you forget your pet snake?!

Check dark and warm places. It's where he'll be. If you want, put the heatpad or something out in the open and you might catch him using it. He's also a nocturnal snake so at night is best to look around.

06-15-08, 01:49 AM
Thanks to anyone i found him the next night cheers!

06-19-08, 01:08 PM
"Are you sure he's not better off without you? How do you forget your pet snake?!

Now THAT'S what I'm talkin' about! Good work Aaron, you'll get there yet...

06-19-08, 02:42 PM
I had a couple of reptiles go missing before but more like escaped from jail. LOL... But seriously, its funny they've all turned up by water. Like in the sink, always happens with my Green tree frogs, one of my tangerine milksnakes was in my bathtub. and hes never been in my bedroom. Its a scary feeling I know so be patient and cover your toilets and put strainers in your drains because no matter what they go for water and they can smell it a mile away. Believe me I know its happened many times. Hopes this helps and salute