View Full Version : Lost snake

05-14-08, 12:29 PM
About 4 days ago I lost my ball python, I've determined how it got out and fixed that, but it does me no good seeing as I can't get the snake back. I finally found it behind the water heater, under the counter, next to the sink in the corner......I tried grabbing it and it shot back into it's "corner". I haven't seen it since. Any ideas on how to get it out? I've tried dropping a rope back there trying to irritate it, but there's less than 1/4 of an ince behind the water heater so nothing will fit back there. I've tried the mouse tactic, but no sign of the snake. Any suggestions? I don't think it's possible for it to get into the walls from back there, it looks like it is completely sealed off......

05-14-08, 01:45 PM
Well as long as you know where its hiding, its just going to be a matter of getting it out and making sure it cant get back. You can try putting its hide, maybe some rodent scented substrate, and a heat source right next to where you saw it. Its not going to come out during the day. If you know its right there you can offer food directly to it, leaving a thawed very warm rodent right next to it then turn the lights off. Check back periodicly but dont let it know your there. A sticky trap may also work, a board or something wit duct tape sticky side out right next to it; just be absolutely sure to check it often because snakes can dehydrate very fast when stuck like that. Vegetable oil will get it off of it.

05-15-08, 12:32 AM
Thanks, I'll try the duct tape as soon as I'm going to be home for any length of time. Right now I've got it's hide in there with a heat lamp attached under the sink, no luck so far though.