View Full Version : i found some custom tanks that are beautiful showcases for your reptiles!

03-29-08, 08:47 AM
warning these are expensive but looking at the pics i think you can see that they are very beautiful and maybe you owners that are good with your hands and with making such can make one of your own from the pictures..heres some pics and the address.



hope you enjoy the pics and maybe get something positive out of these for yourself, i just had to share because i think that they are beautiful and classy for a nice viewing and sharing of your reptile. personally i think the coffee table is the nicest but its over 2 grand and i cannot afford that and i am not good at making stuff either..so i can sit and dream but man what a dream!!!

03-30-08, 04:37 AM
wow these are absolutely amazing! I'm pretty good with my hands when it comes to carpentry; when I saw these, an idea popped into my head of using an old coffee table from a garage sale and using a router to open it up for plexiglass...

03-30-08, 09:43 AM
see i knew someone could use those pics for an idea for themselves..i myself am not mechanically inclined so the best i could do would be to save up and buy one! i love the coffee table one for my ball. it would be awesome! i also like the idea that the vent holes are at the bottom of the tanks so that would help hold in the humidity better cause i have a problem with that myself.

03-30-08, 09:44 AM
if anyone comes up with a good tank idea and makes a nice one from these pics...please post on this thread so i can see them. i like to know i helped someone be creative in thier snake keeping~

09-18-08, 06:31 AM
Good find.. Mom.. :)