View Full Version : Experience with heat mats?

03-24-08, 08:18 AM
I was wondering if anyone had any experience with using commercially produced heat mats inside their custom ball enclosures.

I don't particularly like Flex Watt due to the fire hazard possibilities, and am not a baller so I don't want to shell out ~$85 per mat for Kane heat mats. Cobra makes one, as do some other brands.

Do these work alright? Easy to clean? Anyone use something like this before?


03-24-08, 10:11 AM
Any heat source that you are using INSIDE your ball python enclosure has a MUCH higher risk of becoming a fire hazard than what you would use OUTSIDE the enclosure. I would do a little more research into Flexwatt before counting it out, I've had hundreds of feet of it in use for over 7 years and never so much as a glitch let alone a "fire hazard".

03-24-08, 11:08 AM
Any heat source that you are using INSIDE your ball python enclosure has a MUCH higher risk of becoming a fire hazard than what you would use OUTSIDE the enclosure. I would do a little more research into Flexwatt before counting it out, I've had hundreds of feet of it in use for over 7 years and never so much as a glitch let alone a "fire hazard".

Flexwatt precautions (http://www.arbreptiles.com/cages/flexburn.shtml)

Moreso lack of thermostat, obviously.

So let me ask you though, if you had a 4x2x2 foot enclosure made of 3/4 inch sealed wood, you've used Flexwatt for the inside? Held down with foil tape? Seems like a pain in the rear.

03-24-08, 03:08 PM
I have used the commercial ones that stick to the bottom on the outside. But I always hook them up to a rheostat turned down to low.

03-25-08, 09:11 PM
I would never use anything that plugs in as a heat source INSIDE an enclosure, that's just stoopid. To top that off, to not use a proportional thermostat for ANY regulated heat source is even stoopider.

03-26-08, 08:33 AM
I would never use anything that plugs in as a heat source INSIDE an enclosure, that's just stoopid. To top that off, to not use a proportional thermostat for ANY regulated heat source is even stoopider.

Apparently you can't read. The original question asked what people's experience with commercial heat mats has been. Your two answers are "There's nothing wrong with Flexwatt" and "Heat sources inside enclosures are stupid."

If you don't have experience with what I asked, maybe you should refrain from posting. I gather from reading your other posts elsewhere on this board though, that you just like the sound of your own voice.

Your one stop reptile community - How to build 4x2 enclosure for $100 (http://redtailboa.net/forums/how-tos-tutorials/28742-how-build-4x2-enclosure-100-a.html)

There are loads of people using enclosures like this that need some type of heat source inside the enclosure. In Canada, Flexwatt can't be used due to insurance issues. What do you think they do up there, stand there and blow their hot breath on the snake?

03-26-08, 04:15 PM
You're sadly misinformed on at least two counts here, and I'm sure we've just seen the tip of the iceberg. Flexwatt, though not CSA approved, is not "Illegal" to use. It is UL Listed. No one will come into a home and sieze my collection of tape because I'm using heat tape. As for flexwatt negating insurance; again, you're sadly misinformed. I dare you to find a SINGLE insurance company that won't drop you like a fat prom date once you tell them you want to insure your reptiles under your house policy.

I'm sure that your stereotypical view of anything not American has led you to believe that "we" Canucks can't use heat tape. I've got over 400 feet of the stuff in use as we speak, and know of at LEAST another two dozen breeders up here (and I would estimate wholly 90% of all reptile owners) use heat tape in Canada. We don't "blow on the snakes" smartass...

Initially, rather than answer your question I was trying to clear up some of your ignorance and misconceptions regarding heat tape but it guessing your ignorance isn't limited to reptiles...

03-27-08, 10:20 AM
You're sadly misinformed on at least two counts here, and I'm sure we've just seen the tip of the iceberg. Flexwatt, though not CSA approved, is not "Illegal" to use. It is UL Listed. No one will come into a home and sieze my collection of tape because I'm using heat tape. As for flexwatt negating insurance; again, you're sadly misinformed. I dare you to find a SINGLE insurance company that won't drop you like a fat prom date once you tell them you want to insure your reptiles under your house policy.

I'm sure that your stereotypical view of anything not American has led you to believe that "we" Canucks can't use heat tape. I've got over 400 feet of the stuff in use as we speak, and know of at LEAST another two dozen breeders up here (and I would estimate wholly 90% of all reptile owners) use heat tape in Canada. We don't "blow on the snakes" smartass...

Initially, rather than answer your question I was trying to clear up some of your ignorance and misconceptions regarding heat tape but it guessing your ignorance isn't limited to reptiles...

Again, you can't seem to read, as I never said it was illegal. I said that in Canada Flexwatt can't be used due to insurance issues. You know where I heard that, Mr. "Stereotypical View of Canadians"? From Canadians on Kingsnake who said (Guess what?) Flexwatt can't be used due to insurance issues.

Again, if you can't say anything on topic (three posts in and you still haven't said anything on topic), maybe you should refrain from posting.

03-27-08, 02:09 PM
Well apparently, the information, regardless of where you procurred it, is incorrect.

03-28-08, 09:56 AM
Well apparently, the information, regardless of where you procurred it, is incorrect.

It's spelled "procured", and again, get out of my thread.

03-28-08, 02:28 PM
Sorry, I'll leave, and let the others who are lined up to answer your questions..

03-29-08, 09:56 PM
Sorry, I'll leave, and let the others who are lined up to answer your questions..

Lol there's a mykee on every board.

03-30-08, 04:43 AM
I have ZooMed stick-on under-tank heat pad under my tank in the back corner, and one of those half-log hiding places; it keeps the heat in really well. I also have a heat lamp on top in the middle of the tank for a hot-spot with a driftwood tree under the lamp, and the left side of the tank is the cool side with water - he loves it that way!

03-30-08, 10:10 AM
i cannot seem to keep humidity up with a heat lamp! i use undertank only to heat my tank but i am not sure if this is correct thing to do. as of now it keeps an ambient temp of 80-90 degrees and my snake seems to be happy with it. it covers mostly like 3/4 of the tank and only where th water is does it not and she dont hang out near the water. if she gets too warm she comes out of her rock hide and lays on top of it for a bit. i never see her lay in her water or around it that much where it is cooler. the hide sits on top of the heatpad and she likes it it seems. but i am using a human heat pad on med. at the moment but on tuesday we are ordering a T-Rex Cobra Heat Mat - 6" x 11" (10-20 Gal) and a Zoo Med Repti-Temp 500 Watt Thermostat w/ Remote Probe i am not sure if this is the correct thing to order but we were told we deff. need a thermostat and i dont trust the human heating pad for too long. this is what is says about the heat pad on the shop description

Europe's #1 heat mat for more than a decade is now available from T-Rex Products.

Cobra Heat Mats are made from incredibly reliable, accurate copper elements that provide uniform even heat distribution.

Designed to be used in or out of terrariums, these mats are designed to operate at a constant 100 degrees fahrenheit.

Sizes are as follows:

3 Watt (mini) = 4" x 5"

7 Watt (10-20 Gal) = 6" x 11"

14 Watt (30-40 Gal) = 11" x 11"

22 Watt (50-60 Gal) = 11" x 17"

38 Watt (60+ Gal) = 11" x 29"

T-Rex Cobra Heat Mat - 12 Watt (10-20 Gal)

this is what it says about the thermostat in the description

Dual-port plug receptacles on all units, to control multiple heating devices.

Temperature settings from 70 to 110 degrees F (for thermostats).

Repti-Temp 500R is rated for 500 watts; Rheostat (RT-10) is rated for 150 Watts; Deluxe Rheostat (RT-20) is rated for 500 watts)

i already have a reptile under tank mat but i dont think its warm enuff and the tank stays too cool when i use it..but i was thinking since the thermo has 2 outlets i could put the cooler one set at like 80 under the hide and the hotter one at 90 in the middle of the tank and then the rest of the tank where the water is will have no undertank and be the cool side. is this a correct way of doign things? i really want ot get a bigger tank now..this is only a 10 gal tank at the moment!~ but then again dremora is still small under a foot and a half.

03-31-08, 01:40 PM
at the moment but on tuesday we are ordering a T-Rex Cobra Heat Mat - 6" x 11" (10-20 Gal) and a Zoo Med Repti-Temp 500 Watt Thermostat w/ Remote Probe

Good stuff, thank you.

03-31-08, 05:22 PM
your welcome..i hope this helps you out! myself ..well i am not sure if this is what i need but its a start!